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你是希特勒单相思的情人。You are Hilter's unrequited love!

你是希特勒单相思的情人。You are Hitler's unrequited love!

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我觉得这是一个单相思的故事。I think it's a story about an unrequited love.

我开始怀疑,这是一种单相思。I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love.

我也不知道我是什么爱,也许是单相思吧!I don't know what I am love, maybe love is one-sided!

它叫做单相思。在那方面,我是个专家。It's called unrequited love. Of that, I am an expert.

他总是很快爱上某人,而且往往是单相思。He falls in love very easily and often it's unrequited love.

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到了2011年夏天,单身牛牛会经历单相思。In summer of 2011, single Taurians will experience unrequited love.

虽然我只是单相思,不管怎样,曾经我是爱过你的。Although I only am the unrequited love, no matter what, I had loved you.

正如题目所示,这部电影是关于令人心碎的、单相思的爱情故事。As its title suggests, the film is about heartbreaking, unrequited love.

我不想成为单相思,我深爱的你明白吗!I do not want to become the unrequited love, my deep love you understand!

然而事实上,它可能是有史以来最黯然神伤的关于单相思的歌曲。In reality, it may be the most heartbreaking song of unrequited love ever written.

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从那天晚上起,杰克一直想著玛丽并且为单相思所苦。From that evening on, Jack kept thinking of Mary and suffering from one-sided love.

德国人普遍对英格兰人怀有好感,而且过去曾经受过这分“单相思”的煎熬。The Germans generally adore English and have suffered in the past from unrequited love.

寻找爱情的学生和因为失去爱情或者单相思而伤心痛苦的学生。Students hoping for love and students love and students mourning lost or unrequited love.

当一段单相思结束,我不知是跟她说声抱歉。When section of unrequited love ended, I did not know that was says the sound regret to her.

人鱼公主即使经过数年仍持续单相思,然后终于变成了老太婆。Mermaid princess, even after a few years continued to unrequited love, and then finally turned into a old woman.

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上帝呐,只要看到他,我的心就狂跳,喉咙干到无法吞咽。全都是单相思的症状。Oh, God, just the sight of him. Heart pounding, throat thickening, absolutely can't swallow. All the usual symptoms.

牧歌最初关于戏剧性的设置,典型的神话或单相思根据意大利的诗歌。Madrigals were initially concerning dramatic settings, typically of mythology or unrequited love based on Italian poetry.

既然我已得到了全世界上最好的老公,所以对上述暗恋中的”单相思“也无所谓了,只是聊一聊现在的情况就能获得乐趣。Now that I have the best husband in the whole world, and so don't care about the unrequitedness of said crushes, it was just fun to catch up.