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这个女服务生已经向我们自荐了。The waitress has offered her services to us.

如果其它报道你能提供新闻线索,不妨自荐。Ask if you can help be a source for other stories.

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故特备函自荐,自信能胜任见习管理人员一职。I believe I qualify as a management trainee in your company.

你自荐当选主席是不明智的。It is unadvisable to put yourself up for the chairman's seat.

今天我是怀着平静而又激动的心情呈上这份自荐书的。Today, I was with a calm and emotion presented in the written.

带有自荐意味的事情会让你退缩吗?Do you shrink from doing anything that smacks of self-promotion?

李玉刚向他的老板自荐说他可以完成女声部分。Li Yugang proposed to the boss that he could finish the show for her.

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最后,再次感激您核阅本人的自荐资料。Finally, thank you to scrutinize me once more to offer to volunteer the material.

您好﹗您能在百忙之中展阅这份自荐书,是我无限的荣幸。Hi! Thank you for reading this letter of self-commendation. It's my infinite honour.

十分感激您在百忙中能核阅本人的自荐书。Extremely thank you in to be very busy can scrutinize me to offer to volunteer the book.

对方可能是根据你的简历及自荐书确定你的能力。This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and covering letter.

这一本薄薄的自荐书是我中专三年生活全面而真实的写照。This thin cover book is my secondary school for three years of full and true portrayal of life.

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曾有申请学生递交过韩英双语之自荐个人陈述的先例。Applicants whose personal statements are submitted in both Korean and English receive precedent.

您好!您能在百忙之中阅读这份自荐书,是我无限的荣幸,更是我长久的期盼。I'm very honored and longing for that you can take time to read this resume from your busy schedule.

这个委员会的成员组成必须通过全民选举和自荐两种方式相结合来产生。This committee members must pass through the general election and cover two ways to combine to produce.

您好!感激您正在百闲当中抽出工夫核阅我的自荐书,感谢!Thank you in spite of being very busy to extract the time to scrutinize me to offer to volunteer the book, thanks!

于是,珀尔修斯和阿尔戈斯的精兵良将踏上了寻找地狱三女巫的征程,几个自荐的猎人还有艾奥也加入了这支队伍。He and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following.

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你可以申请任何上载于网页的实习生空缺,或者自荐可以协助我们的工作范畴。You can apply for any intern vacancies, or you can suggest yourself any specialised field you can contribute to Oxfam.

敝人深知布什总统身边有着众多才高八斗的演讲辞写作高手,但不才依然斗胆自荐为总统先生撰文。I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers but I would like to volunteer for the job myself.

三水将面向全区公开推荐选拔10名区属局级单位副科级领导干部,大学本科以上学历在职公务员有机会自荐参选。Sanshui will openly recommend and select 10 leading cadres of Vice section level in bureau-level units in the whole region.