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这部电影充满了武打动作。The film is full of actions.

指导演员排练武打场面。The actors rehearsed their parts.

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就好像看成龙的武打一样。It was like watching Jackie Chan fight.

导演指导演员排练武打场面。The conductor rehearsed the actors for the fight scene.

在黑板的上方是十几副超级英雄们的武打动作图。Atop one blackboard stands dozens of superhero action figures.

这部影片武打少情节多,和前一步刚好相反It has a lot of plot and no action, so it's the other way around.

成龙的电影里面经常有很多激烈的武打镜头。Jackie Chan movies are usually action-packed and full of fighting.

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李小龙是本港首位到荷里活闯出名堂的武打巨星,到现时他还是众人的偶像。Bruce Lee has been and still is a popular Hollywood idol action figure.

不幸的是,李连杰宣布这是他最后一次在中国武打影片中出演。Sadly, Li declared this would be the last Chinese epic he would star in.

在我看来,李连杰理所当然是我们这一代最好的武打巨星。He is hands down, in my opinion, the best martial arts actor of our time.

导演和制片到武术组研究武打动作。Director Michael Biehn and Producer Bey Logan are working on action scenes.

然而如同少林寺僧人所指出的,功夫的内涵远多过武打。But as the Shaolin monk pointed out, kungfu embodies much more than fighting.

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然而如同少林寺僧人所指出的,功夫的内涵远多过武打。But as the Shaolin monk pointed out, kung fu embodies much more than fighting.

拍摄武打场面的时候,男演员的脸被鞭梢扫了一道口子。When shooting a fighting scene, the actor was scratched by a lash on his face.

这部电影让人回忆起三十年前亚洲武侠片中的一些著名武打场面。The movie recalls famous fight scenes from Asian action movies of 30 years ago.

由爱情、嫉妒、敌意编织的情节以及大量武打动作的运用将这个故事栩栩如…Love, jealousy, rivalry and plenty of martial arts bring this great story to life.

大家要是感兴趣的话,可以找来看看,里面的武打场面真的很精彩喔!If you are interested, you can take a look. The fighting scenes are really wonderful!

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武打场面是紧锣密鼓,影人枪来剑往、上下翻腾,热闹非常。In action scenes, sounds of gong and drum are intense. Lances and swords are wielded.

你看过中国武打明星成龙主演的卖座影片吗?。Have you ever seen a hit movie played by Jackie Chan, a superb Chinese martial artist?

人们一直在急切地等待着张艺谋的下一部武打大片。People have been anxiously awaiting another martial arts blockbuster from Zhang Yimou.