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负责新址开展。I do new site development.

把那桥一段一段地运到了新址。The bridge is move piece by piece to a new site.

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未婚妈妈之家暨妇女庇护所迁移至台北市新址。Unwed Home and Shelter moved to new location in Taipei.

七年后的现在,2008年看到的新址。And now, seven years later, a view of Ground Zero in 2008.

明年,我国驻北京大使馆将迁入新址。Next year, we will open our new Embassy compound in Beijing.

沈阳将新建一座电视塔,新址位于沈阳市浑南长白地区。Shenyang will build a new television tower in the Changbai area of Hunnan District.

雷诺先生在14日晚从图尔来到法国政府的新址。Mr. Reynaud reached the new seat of government from Tours in the evening of the 14 th.

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北京奥运会开幕之际,布什总统将在北京为美国驻华大使馆新址落成典礼剪彩。As the games begin in Beijing, President Bush will be opening the new U.S. Embassy there.

LG化工和CPI将在荷兰、密歇根州新址生产电池单元。LG Chem and CPI will be localicing cell production at their new site in Holland, Michigan.

丽江高美古最终被选择作为未来中国地基天文光学观测的新址点。Gaomeigu in Li Jiang was finally chosen for the new site of ground based optical astronomy.

这些举动证明了谷歌推动用户使用这一新址的能力。The rush was a testament to Google’s power to drive a flood of users to any new site it launches.

兹定于1999年10月1日迁到更方便的和平街新址办公,特此通知。We inform you that we shall on October 1st, 1999 remove to a more convenient office at Heping street.

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我们很高兴相聚在此共同庆祝浦发银行总部迁居新址。We are very pleased to gather here to celebrate the relocation of the head office of the Pudong Development Bank.

伍锐贤主席、陈玉驹前主席、中华总商会雷光达会长等出席华埠青年会新址开幕仪式。President Eric Ng, former President York Chan and Mr. David Louie attended the opening reception of Chinatown YMCA.

我们的公司搬入新址时,就会保留原来的装修和家具。At every office we move into, part of the deal isthat we keep the renovation and furniture from the previous tenants.

因为当地民众毫不畏缩地反对化工厂的建设才最终导致化工厂另换新址。It was the local people's unflinching stand against the plant that ultimately resulted in its shifting from the site.

但据Facebook新址的室内照片显示,该网站似乎在室内陈设上很吝啬。But as the pictures from inside Facebook's new offices show, the company appears to have skimped on the soft furnishings.

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我已经迁到永乐街1丁目10番地,往后联结,请用新址,特此关照。I inform you that I have this day removed to 10, Itchome, Yurakucho, where all communications should in future be addressed.

在墨西哥城索玛雅博物馆新址,一名工人走在通往二楼的螺旋楼梯上。A worker walks through one of the corridors that spirals into the next floor at the Soumaya Museum's new home in Mexico City.

那些南安普敦的邻居不太可能在漂亮的城镇里光顾一家赌场,所以部落将另寻新址。It is unlikely its Southampton neighbours would go for a casino in their posh town, so the tribe will probably look elsewhere.