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我会终止这份企划案。I'll halt the project.

什么样的企划案?What kind of proposal is it?

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你能准时完成这项企划案吗?Can you finish this project on time?

我们必须立刻进行媒体广告企划。We need to get right on the media advertising plan.

今天我们安排了三个企划说明会。Today we have scheduled three proposal presentations.

我将会主持所有会议及负责所以企划案。I'll be quarterbacking every meeting and every project.

别担心,我们还有一个礼拜可以完成这个企划案。Don't worry. We still have a week to finish the project.

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你好,我是要来应徵网站企划职缺。Hello. I am here to apply for the position of Web site planner.

这个企划案最主要的问题就是我们的时间不够。The major problem with this project is that we don't have enough time.

汤姆︰考虑到我们手上的其他企划案,六个星期我们真的没办法。Tom︰Considering the other projects we have, we can't do it in six weeks.

星期一吗?我们有三个企划案、两份报告和五个面试要完成。Monday? We have three projects, two papers, and five interviews to finish.

孙启鸣兴奋的告诉大家,说自己写的那个汉林企划案入选了。SunQiMing excited to tell everybody, said he wrote the han Lin in the project.

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还包括了我们为贵公司做的几个企划案样本。Also included are a few sample proposals we have put together for your company.

在你交出我们的企划案之前,我想做一些小修正。Before you turn in our project, there are a few small amendments I'd like to make.

当我们想获得有关此资源的信息时,希望你们仍应可以做出一个关于此的企划案。You will still have to put up a business case, when we want to acquire the resource.

方法之一便是准备一份翔实的商业企划来打动信贷组织和银行的心。Preparing a solid business plan is one way to win the heart of a credit union or banks.

我们将帮助主办企划竞赛,以发现并支持有成功希望的想法。We will help sponsor business plan competitions to identify and support promising ideas.

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昆裴集团的主席在过去20年,一直都有涉及这一类的企划。Qun Pei, the group's president, has been involved in similar projects for the past 20 years.

宋承宪最近收到超大型电影企划案的演出提案,正在多方面的讨论中。SSH recently received a very large proposal and has been in various discussions for the project.

鉴于目前中国市场的发展前景,他做了一个行销企划。In view of the development prospects of the Chinese market at present, he does some market research.