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作者别具匠心地设计了一个出人意料的结尾。The writer showed ingenuity in creating a surprising ending.

别具匠心的木质的把手更是给你贴身的隔热保护。We caring of you by the usage of the wood handle to protect you.

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我别具匠心的理论包含了我在所有领域所做出的努力。My particular theories embraced the whole field of my endeavours.

我别具匠心的理论包含了我在所有领域所做出的努力。My particular theories that would embrace the whole field of my endeavour.

织造工艺别具匠心,染整技术先进。Weaving technology show ingenuity, dyeing and finishing technology advanced.

文本叙述者对物品符号做了别具匠心的安排。The narrator makes the arrangement of the product sign with the mental strategy.

除此之外,虎纹也可以点缀在外套、鞋子,甚至是太阳眼镜,显得别具匠心,别有特色。Tiger print also works well onaccent pieces like coats, shoes, or even sunglasses.

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这个比赛就是要通过评选出最离谱的代码来展示简明代码的价值,真是别具匠心。This contest displays the value of clear code by celebrating the insane. It's pretty awesome.

商店入口设计得别具匠心,能吸引消费者产生进店浏览的欲望。The store entrance design show ingenuity to attract consumers into the store, have the desire to browse.

此作品虽书法用笔,结构经营却是从平面设计而来,取形巧妙,别具匠心。The writing is using the brush style but the composition is from graphic design and the figure is novel.

亮片组成的蝴蝶装饰别具匠心,装点性感脚踝。The butterfly adornment that paillette comprises does not provide craftsmanship, ankle of deck sex appeal.

而最有度假风味的手工编织藤篮的设计也别具匠心,也有多种颜色可选择。The most resort-style hand-woven rattan basket of design ingenuity, but also a variety of colors to choose from.

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错综句是唐诗中经常出现的一种别具匠心的语言艺术形式,是对自然句式的一种诗化变异。The complicated sentence in constituent order is an ingenious language form which usually appears in Tang Poetry.

昔日的香港,谁人不知这条小街,承载了多少别具匠心的文化底蕴,让世界各地拍手称奇?The former Hongkong, who do not know this street, how much show ingenuity culture, let the world clap that strange?

作品构图精巧别致,笔墨浑厚粗重,色彩清新淡雅,线条氤氲流畅,具有凝练、简洁之风,别具匠心,独树一帜。The work is drawn exquisitely and uniquely with its vigorous ink, fresh and elegant color, and fluent and dense lines. It is concise and unique.

该项研究报告的作者们提醒到,在办公室中引入这种健身自行车的做法别具匠心,但这种新鲜感会逐渐消逝的,所以可能还需要其他一些动力激励员工持续使用它们。The authors note that the novelty factor of having an exercise bike did wear off so additional motivation would be needed to keep employees using them.

绿色和白色的铺路石砖和鸟笼状的路灯,透露出装饰设计者们为了唤起游人心中的中国传统文化的别具匠心。The green and white paving stones and bird-cage-like street lamps testify to the designers' efforts to evoke Chinese traditional culture in the minds of the visitors.

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可以说,在这样一个广告中,“民间舞龙”这一元素的运用真正起到了画“龙”点睛的效果,实在是一个别具匠心的创意。It can be said in such an ad, the "dragon people" this element of the use of a real painting has played a "dragon" eye-dotting the effect is really a unique creative ingenuity.

田在取景时别具匠心地使用了电传和广角镜头,来营造出一种错乱的效果,展现出一个具有漂浮视觉效果的,看似无边无际的空间。In selecting and manipulating these shots, Tian makes brilliant use of the distortions produced by telephoto and wide angle lenses to create a sense of floating, borderless space.

今年最快的赛车能在更好的位置起步,因此这之后就很难有啥能颠覆整个格局的别具匠心的战术了。The fastest cars this year are starting in the better positions so after that it's difficult to be creative or to have a strategy that will change completely the order of the grid.