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但是学界对其态度却各持己见。But academic circles hold the personal opinion respectively.

大部分求职者以及职业专家意见都各持己见。Most job seekers -- and even career experts -- have strong opinions.

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委员们不能达成一致意见,他们各持己见。The members couldn't come to an agreement. They were at sixessevens.

双方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay.

委员们不能达成一致意见,他们各持己见。The members couldn't come to an agreement. They were at sixes and sevens.

周一,投资者、专家和评论员对此各持己见。On Monday, investors, experts and commentators were split in their verdict.

对他俩各持己见,互不相让的观点建议,我真的困惑迷茫了,不知道该怎样去做了。I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act.

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尽管综合来看,通用汽车目前处于领先位置,但究竟鹿死谁手,分析师分成两派,各持己见。GM is currently the overall leader, but analysts are divided on who the real winner is.

提高最好是在人们各持己见的讨论中达成的。Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

而且对危机其它方面,尤其是测试银行业稳健性一事,也各持己见.And there was continued disagreement over other aspects of the crisis, especially testing the health of banks.

虽然人们对于失业的严重程度各持己见,但是关于短期内就业是否会出现增长的问题却避而不谈。While opinions differ about the severity of cuts, nobody's talking about job growth for the foreseeable future.

也可以是无形的,如男女间的各持己见,男人对女人在家庭中所扮演角色的不同看法。They can be intangible, such as her partner's perception of her resources, and his perception of her role within the family.

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迄今为止,在国际关系领域理论家们争论不断,乐观的自由派和悲观的现实主义者各持己见。So far, the China debate among international relations theorists has pitted optimistic liberals against pessimistic realists.

然而,我们认为我们应当避免在未来的学生会选举中产生两个具有同样权威的但又可能各持己见的声音。However, we both agreed that we should prevent two conflicting voices on board with the equal authority from happening for future candidates.

但如何设置和适用死刑的范围,才能发挥其最大效用,学界及实务界各持己见。But how to give it a restrict scope suitable for using and making develop its role, the academic field and the legal field each sticks his own view.

它的出台并不一帆风顺,保守主义者和自由主义者对其各持己见,相互制衡。Its releasing is not problem-free, the conservative person and the free person hold the personal opinion respectively to it, keeps in balance mutually.

迄今为止,在国际关系领域理论家们争论不断,乐观的自由派和悲观的现实主义者各持己见。Will China's Rise Lead to War?Sofar, theChinadebateamong international relations theorists has pitted optimistic liberals against pessimistic realists.

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如何规范化使用定性研究,目前国际上尚无定论,定性研究者各持己见。It is not finally concluded how to standardize the use of qualitative research in the world. Qualitative researchers disagree with each other about this issue.

但是他们两个人都努力,倾听对方,以相互尊重,宽宏大量并且友善的态度和谐共处,尽管他们在一些基本问题上各持己见。But they're two individuals who are committed to being with the other person in a respectful, generous, kind manner while disagreeing on some fundamental things.

两党议员各持己见,所以目前的问题是两党领导人是否能够达成妥协,并劝服其他议员来支持这个议案。With legislators of both parties holding firm to their positions, the question becomes whether leaders can strike a bipartisan compromise and convince their members to support it.