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总之,千奇百怪,一般魔幻都望尘莫及。In short, strange, magic in general are far behind.

揭发者们的目的多种多样千奇百怪,其中有些当然动机不纯。Leakers can have a variety of motives, some impure.

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有时候,我的目标千奇百怪。Sometimes my goal has been whimsical in the extreme.

这海里的物件,真是千奇百怪,什么稀罕物都有。This nautical miles of the object is really strange, what are rare.

在个体生活的领域之中,千奇百怪的演变也是屡见不鲜。Strange evolutions are often witnessed within the life of one individual.

尽管出现了这些千奇百怪的事,但紧急调派员们仍然要把每一个打进来的电话都当做紧急情况来对待。Still, emergency dispatchers have to treat every call like an emergency."When

清晨的露水把裤管都沾湿了,草原中还有着千奇百怪的小昆虫吧?。Dew at dawn wetted my trousers . Were there many sorts of little insects in the grass?

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我回到了我的房间,坐在书桌旁,望着变化万千、千奇百怪的夜空。I returned to my room, sit at the desk, looked at the ever-changing, strange night sky.

与这些千奇百怪的要求相比,你只是要求多出一周的带薪假期是很正常的了,你觉得呢?Compared to these, your desire for another vacation week is pretty tame, don't you think?

希望你通过了解这些千奇百怪的意淫和怪癖性嗜好满足了你的小小窥视欲。Hopefully you enjoyed your peek into the weird and wacky world of fascinating, freakish sex.

我们询问了一些使用过此项服务的用户,得到的答案也是千奇百怪。We asked some users of these services and found that they had varied and interesting answers.

这东西在机械上应用很广泛,所以样子也千奇百怪的,只要像就是叫法兰盘。This stuff is widely used in machinery, it looks too strange, as long as the image is called the flange.

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一位小丑为了制造欢乐,用夸张的面部表情和手势模仿了人类千奇百怪的行为举止。A clown is making merry, gently caricaturing all manners of human traits with his grimaces and pantomime.

而且无线上网技术还让我们不妨在任何地址使用笔记本电脑──床上、地板上──状貌也不妨千奇百怪。And WiFi connections let us use laptops anywhere--in bed, on the floor--in all kinds of contorted positions.

大自然创造了千奇百怪的生物。它们的形成,都伴依着一种大自然从不明讲的原则。The nature creates all kinds of strange creatures. They come into being under the unknown principle of nature.

而且无线上网技术还让我们可以在任何地方使用笔记本电脑──床上、地板上──姿势也可以千奇百怪。And WiFi connections let us use laptops anywhere -- in bed, on the floor -- in all kinds of contorted positions.

非洲以外的人们能接触到各种各样千奇百怪的气候环境,这种推测非常合理。“It's a reasonable inference that non-Africans were becoming exposed to a wide variety of novel climates,” says Dr.

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他热爱深海潜水,水下的失重状态和千奇百怪的生命体给了他最接近漫游外太空的感觉。He came closest to visiting alien worlds through his love of deep-sea diving, its weightlessness and strange life forms.

在梦中和现实中经常照镜子,因为在梦中,你的脸总是被扭曲成千奇百怪的样子。Look in the mirror often, in dreams and real life. In a dream, your face will almost always be distorted in various ways.

斯蒂德所遇之人千奇百怪,从操作生物的怪人到让人打喷嚏打到死的杀手,使得这部影片独一无二。Steed faced everything from cyborgs to a killer who makes his victims sneeze to death, making the show quirky and unique.