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手榴弹看到你会自爆。Grenade self you will see.

一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。A grenade blew them both to bits.

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八戒把你那颗手榴弹拿来。Pig bring you hand grenades are sinking.

手榴弹的五秒引信总会在三秒内烧完。Five second fuses forever blaze three seconds.

手榴弹倒挂在每人的束身皮带上,弹柄朝下。Stick bombs hung handle down from their belts.

手榴弹在仇敌头上开花。The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.

手榴弹在敌人头上开花。The hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.

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他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。He looped the hand grenade into the enemy trench.

五秒钟引线的手榴弹一般三秒钟就爆炸。An five-second grenade fuses will burn in three seconds.

燃烧弹和手榴弹效果也很好,但要注意。Napalm or grenades can also be effective, but be careful!

德国人的手榴弹夺走了他左手的三根手指。A German grenade had taken three fingers off his left hand.

士兵将一枚手榴弹呈弧形抛进敌方掩蔽壕里。The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.

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当「保险拴」拉掉后,「手榴弹先生」将不再是我们的朋友。When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend.

所有号称可燃烧5秒的手榴弹引线都会在3秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three second.

那里有几百万颗手榴弹,但她就是没看见,天杀的."There's a million of them, but she just missed them, dammit.

所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.

所有用时五秒烧完的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.

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那个陆军中尉说除非他有手榴弹。And the lieutenant replied he'd get them out with hand grenades.

每一个案例中,劫机者都用了假手榴弹吓唬机组人员。In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades.

射击敌人手中的燃烧瓶,手榴弹或者手雷。Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.