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水火不相容。Fire and water repel each other.

我将拯救你于水火之中。I'll save you the pain and nervousness.

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这两者并非水火不容,-是的。And those don't have to be separate. -No.

这幅草图强调了水火相斗的主题。The sketch emphasizes a theme of fire vs. water.

水火是忠仆,造灾成元凶。Fire and water are good servants but bad masters.

水火可以成为忠仆,用它不慎成灾主。Fire and water are good servants , but bad masters.

宗教信仰并非一定就与科学水火不相容。Religious viewpoints need not conflict with science.

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虽然我们同在一座城市,但是水火不容。Though we are in the same city, we are water and fire!

放下水火棍,便倒在树边。They put down their cudgels and lay down under the tree.

水火金钱是忠仆,应用不该是罪魁。Fire, water, and money are good servants, but bad masters.

他用他的智慧与仁政拯万民于水火He saved the city thanks to his brilliance and his goodwill.

因此,生命权保护与死刑适用水火不相容也。So, the conservation of life right exludes the death penalty.

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想你在黑暗中出现,抹去眼泪救我于水火。In the darkness you'll come, and drive my tears and rescue me.

两种教育的价值诉求是针锋相对、水火不容的。The purposes of these two kinds of education are incompatible.

薛霸拿了水火棍,催促动身。董超去腰里解下一双新草鞋叫林冲穿。Tung Ch'ao gave Lin Ch'ung a pair of new grass sandals to wear.

是的,这正是“柔能克刚”,能救你于水火的技巧。Yes, it is 'the soft skills that cut diamonds' that can save you.

有些风格之间将水火不容,例如“自由”和“专政”。Some will be incompatible with others, for example, "Freedom" and "Tyranny.

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这有可能导致不同宗教之间的关系更加水火不容。This risked a broader spillover into relations between different religions.

传统与现代化水火难容,人们必须在两者之间作出抉择。Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them.

天下之百姓,皆以水火毒药相亏害。The world's population, begin with water and fire Poison victims phase loss.