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布雷弗曼指出,并非所有的早衰迹象都会表现在脸上。Braverman points out that not all premature aging signs are written on your face.

预烧是为了减少产品早衰的生产过程必要的手段。Burn-in is a manufacturing operation that is intended to eliminate early failure.

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这不仅为了防止早衰,并有助于提高果品质量。This will not only prevent senescence but will also contribute to better fruit quality.

研究发现,葡萄可以防止皮肤癌以及防止早衰。Grapes could protect against skin cancer and prevent premature ageing, research has revealed.

紫外线辐射强烈,容易使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰。Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging.

本方可防止早衰,又可以补益肝肾和能预防肾虚腰痛。We may prevent the early aging, may also benefit hepatorenal and can prevent the kidney empty lumbago.

底妆包含的成分会减缓细胞更新的进程,这将导致早衰问题。Foundations may contain agents that slow down the process of cell renewal, which results in premature ageing.

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绿农素喷施能克服地膜覆盖后追肥难及沙地保肥性差所造成的脱肥、早衰问题。Lunongsu sprayed can solve the problems of short of fertilizer and early aging which are caused by film mulched.

深层滋养美白,提亮肤色,有助于减轻松弛早衰,改善肌肤纹理。Deep nourishes and whitens, enhances complexion, helps to reduce flabby and aging problems, and improves skin grain.

应用该技术成功培育出早熟不早衰的短季棉中棉所20、中棉所24、中棉所27和中棉所36等品种。Zhongmiansuo 20, 24, 27, 36 and so on were successfully bred by using the biochemical assistant breeding technology.

最新的重塑像大家展示了一个深眼眶、凹脸颊、满脸邹纹、头发和胡子凌乱的早衰的老头形象。The new reconstruction shows a prematurely old man, with deep-set eyes, sunken cheeks, a furrowed face and ungroomed beard and hair.

这种药物在实验室中被发现可以抑制早衰细胞的变异,并在实验鼠身上产生了预期效果。These were found to reverse an abnormality in progeria cells in the laboratory and also prevented symptoms developing in progeria mice.

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要是还是20来岁或30来岁,医生说,润肤霜能给一些必需的扞卫,使的皮肤不致早衰。If you're in your 20s or 30s, doctors say, moisturizers will give you some of the protection you need to keep skin from praturely aging.

肉毒素研究领域的专家迈克•普拉杰教授指出,他所有的客户中,有很多办公室上班族都出现早衰的迹象。Dr Michael Prager, a Botox specialist, said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of aging.

德平霍实验中那些被去除端粒酶的老鼠大多早衰,不育,脑不足,肠受损,味觉差。DePinho's telomerase-less mice tended to be prematurely aged and infertile with small brains, damaged intestines and poor senses of smell.

如果你还是20来岁或30来岁,医生说,润肤霜能给你一些必需的保护,使你的皮肤不致早衰。If you're in your 20s or 30s, doctors say, moisturizers will give you some of the protection you need to keep skin from prematurely aging.

头疼失眠、早衰健忘、肾虚体弱、腰腿疼痛、手足麻木、食欲不振、神经衰弱、心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、风湿性关节炎等。The socks are suitable for headache, insomnia, early ageing, amnesia, kidney deficiency and many other diseases of people of different ages.

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公众健康专家发布的报告称,过多或过少的睡眠都会使大脑早衰,最多可早衰7年。A study by public health scientists has revealed that getting too much or too little sleep can prematurely age your brain by up to seven years.

长期暴露于太阳底下可能导致皮肤早衰,严重起皱纹,色素性皮肤病变的发展,或长痣,以及各种恶性皮肤肿瘤。Chronic sun exposure may lead to premature aging, severe wrinkling, pigmented skin-lesion development, or moles, and various malignant skin tumors.

这项发现表明每晚睡7小时,能减少大脑早衰。The findings suggest that regularly sleeping for seven hours during the night can help to reduce the cognitive decline that occurs as we grow older.