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例证一。Quote one.

她给我们例证。She gave us an illustration.

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这就是很好的例证。This is very good paradigmatic.

林克说泰勒就是完美的例证。Link said Taylor was a perfect example.

诗评家吕家乡是一个例证。Lu Jia-xiang, a poem critic, is an example.

最好的例证就是伯特兰兰·罗素的作品了。The best example is Bertrand Russell's work.

最好的例证就是伯特兰·罗素的作品了。The best example is Bertrand Russell’s work.

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老师用例证详述了这件事。The teacher-fied the matter by illustration.

一个很好的例证是白尾鹿。A good case in point is the white-tailed deer.

中间性的问题就是一个很好的例证。The issue of intersexuality is a good example.

这是俄狄浦斯复杂性的一个完美例证。It is a perfect instance of the Oedipus complex.

这里我想拿自己的亲身经历作为例证。I’d like to cite my own experience as an example.

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其他的例证则更令人纠结。Other illustrations require more head-scratching.

第三章进行了例证分析。Part three goes on analyses with exemplification.

奥卡姆议论中的某些例证可能有些用处。Some samples of Occam's discussions may be useful.

上面的这种“六块腹肌”购物袋,就是最好的例证。The "six-pack abs" bags above are a prime example.

上面的这种“六块腹肌”购物袋,就是最好的例证。The “six-pack abs” bags above are a prime example.

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以语义翻译法翻译整个例证。Stage 3' semantic translation of the whole examPle.

这些例证中,有些来自于全局趋势。Some of these examples come from big-picture trends.

在亚穆将是这一理念的完美例证。The Yamu will be a perfect example of this philosophy.