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赛璐珞是极易着火的。Celluloid is highly combustible.

他身穿赛璐珞硬领,足登系带长靴。He wore a celluloid collar and lace up boots.

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珍妮正在玩她的赛璐珞鸭子和船。Jenny was playing with her celluloid ducks and ships.

赛璐珞的这一特性,使它再度受到了注意。This property has led to a revival of interest in celluloid.

与赛璐珞不同,胶木不会着火或融化。But unlike Celluloid, Bakelite would not catch on fire or melt.

梳子是第一批也是最普遍的用赛璐珞制造的物品之一。Combs were among the first and most popular objects made of celluloid.

1889年底,伊斯门在赛璐珞胶片的基础上研制了一种新型的胶卷。At the end of 1889 Eastman launched a new roll film on a celluloid base.

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我们吸纳着从赛璐珞半透膜另一边渗透进来的你们的政治理念。We absorbed your politics by osmosis, across the semipermeable membrane of celluloid.

用赛璐珞的丙酮溶液涂布竹材,其防水效力增加不多。Coating bamboo with a solution of celluloid in acetone does not exert a water proof effect greatly.

在计算机时代我们可以做出很多用赛璐珞和水彩无法营造的画面。In the computer age we can make a lot of celluloid and watercolors can not be used to create a picture.

本公司成立于2001年,主要经营压克力、赛璐珞、醋酸纤维板的生产和贸易。The company was founded in 2001, operates mainly in acrylic, celluloid, acetate fiber production and trade.

现在几乎每一个人都使用赛璐珞片,而且动画卡通也经常在电影节目中出现。Cels were now being used by nearly everyone and animated cartoons were showing up frequently in film programs.

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它们也可用外晶体材料,例如玻璃、赛璐珞或透明塑料等制造。They may also be manufactured from non-crystalline materials such as glass, cellophane or transparent plastics.

1900年左右,由于轻工业的发展,球才改成用赛璐珞制成的空心球。Around 1900 due to the development of light industry the ball was replaced by the hollow ball made of celluloid.

1900年左右,由于轻工业的发展,球才改成用赛璐珞制成的空心球。Around 1900, due to the development of light industry, the ball was replaced by the hollow ball made of celluloid.

赛璐珞不仅拥有绚丽多变的色彩,还具备抗震的特点——这种高档笔生产必须具备的基本特性。It is not only available in a very wide range of colours, but it is also shockproof -a fundamental characteristic for a valuable pen production.

上海赛璐珞厂开发了合成该胶用的癸二酸癸二胺单体,用户使用满意。Monomers of decyldiamine sebacate for synthesizing the title thermosol have been developed by Shanghai Celluloid Factory with the satisfactions of consumers.

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赛璐珞时代的英雄与坏蛋演绎了人性最光辉和最歹毒的一面,他们跟我们讲述了一些有关贪婪、管理乃至资本主义本身的故事。Celluloid heroes and villains illustrate the best and worst of human nature and in the process, tell us a little something about greed, management, even capitalism itself.

上海赛璐珞厂是个创建于1938年的化工老厂,产品种类多,又大多沿用老工艺,三废污染多。Shanghai Celluloid Factory is an old chemical plant founded in 1938. It has kinds of products which are made in old technology mostly result in a lot of pollution problems.

但到了十九世纪末,那种盛况随着一种全新材料的兴起而衰落,这就是赛璐珞,第一种人工合成的塑料。But in the late nineteenth century, that panoply of possibilities began to fall away with the arrival of a totally new kind of material — celluloid, the first man-made plastic.