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现在,你仍旧仅只是一个梦而以。Now you're just a dream.

仅只是眼睑,如此琐细。Merely lid. How trivial it is.

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别仅只注重财富,它可能会消失!Do not interest yourself only in wealth! It may disappear!

如果你仅只增加一个强制通风,那就用它来排费气。If you only add one active ventilation, use it for exhaust.

因此仅只于此,主阿,我知道信仰的边界。Thus only is it, Lord, that I know the lineage of the faith.

仅只分享字幕,请到原始连结观看更好的画质。Share subtitles only , please go to watch the original video.

现在这种植物仅只在布里斯托海峡的廊荻才能找到。This plant is now found only on Lundy in the Bristol Channel.

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不过,他们关系难处,仅只维持了十年半。Their difficult relationship has lasted for a decade and a half.

但是,这项工作不能仅只是科学家和农学家的工作。But this work cannot be only the work of scientists and agronomists.

但是,水星逆行的现象并不仅只于此。However, those aren't the only manifestations of Mercury retrograde.

你知道,在那个屏幕上的每个生命抒发,都仅只是运动。You know that every expression of life on that screen is motion only.

到今朝截止,这个地区仅只建了少数几个学校。Up to now only a small number of schools have been built in this area.

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但是传统的活动课仅只停留在教学层面上。However, the traditional activity classes rest on the teaching level only.

我知道就在我们幽会时你才是真正的属于我的,仅仅只属于我一个的。I know that in our tryst when you are truly belongs to me, just only to me one.

自工厂迁走后,这个镇现在就仅只有原来留下的部分人了。种竹成林。Since the factory moved, this town has only a remnant of its former population.

你不能仅只倚赖机械系统挣钱,是吗?But you couldn't have amassed the money you did just being mechanical, could you?

神派出代表们让他们去教导人们要不仅只做人。God sent representatives and told them to teach the people to be more than people.

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仅只减少对石油的依赖并不足以推动未来的发展。Just reducing Japan's overreliance on oil won't be enough to fuel growth for the future.

我父亲仅只在结婚时见过母亲娘家的人。愿上帝使之安息吧!As far as I know, my father, God rest his soul, only met my mother's people at his wedding.

一如汤姆士.杰弗逊,他们也许欣赏耶稣基督的道德教导,但仅只于此。Like Thomas Jefferson, they may have admired the ethical teachings of Jesus, but that is all.