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我们必须现在交卷吗?Must we hand in our papers now?

期中考试限两小时交卷。Two hours were allowed for the final examination.

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在交卷之前,仔细检查你的试卷。Check your papers carefully before handing them in.

交卷之前,请认真从头到尾看一遍。Go over your papers carefully before you hand them in.

他把会做的做完就交卷了,不会的全空下来。He only finished what he knew and left the rest blank.

交卷之前她检查了一遍答案。She checked all her answers before turning in her test.

你知道这次数学考试谁第一个交卷的吗?Do you know who handed the math paper in first this time?

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我的“知识”在交卷的时候已经全部用完了。My ”knowledge” emptied the moment I handed in those exam.

临交卷时,我在试卷上写下了一段话。Your answers on the test paper, I write a segment of words.

下午我交卷的速度更快。I complete an assignment in the afternoon the speed is quicker.

交卷前,仔细检查一下你的试卷,看看有没有什么小错。Look over what you've written before handing it to the examiner.

我感觉非常得意,交卷了以后觉得我考得特好。Totally satisfied, I handed my test in feeling like I had aced it.

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请将草稿也写在答题纸背面,交卷前请将草稿部分作一删除记号。All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.

在你交卷的时候,你正好注意到我在这里做了一个重要的假设。And right off the bat you notice that I am making a huge assumption here.

交卷前请再检查一次班级、姓名、座号写了没!Please check your class, name and student number before you hand in the paper.

交卷前,好好检查一下你的试卷,看看有没有小错。Look though your examination paper for any small mistakes before you hand it in.

所以把国际会计的基本题做完了,还把附加题也做了,就交卷。Therefore, after finishing the basic exercise and the additional, I handed over my paper.

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我向他们讲清楚了的,他们必须在上午十时前交卷。I made it clear to them that they must hand in their papers before 10 o’clock in the morning.

这位老兄几乎每次考试都是很仓促地在最后一分钟交卷,而他的卷面总是留有大量的空白题。Every test we took, there was always that one guy scrambling at the last minute to finish his test.

相反,在交卷时,你得到一些愚蠢的数字,并且你还把它用在整个计算中。Instead, right off the bat you have some stupid number and you are dragging that through the calculations.