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他说我的坏话,还排挤我以表现自己。He badmouthed me and stole the show.

那些政客们正在相互排挤以争夺权力。Those politicians are jockeying for power.

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是的。他说我的坏话,还排挤我以表现自己。Yeah. He badmouthed me and stole the show.

开放源码将排挤掉私有源码的软件。Open source will squeeze out proprietary soft ware.

但当革命胜利的时候,妇女们却被排挤在外了。But when the revolution was won, women were pushed out.

这个男孩子因为很粗鲁被同侪排挤。The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness.

左派持不同政见者已经遭到削弱和排挤。Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.

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杰克的一番话引起流言蜚语,说他受到了排挤。Jack's remarks set off rumours that he had been elbowed aside.

一个可能的原因是年轻者被年长者排挤出就业市场。One possible reason is that the old are elbowing out the young.

一些小间人正受到一些大的联公司的排挤。Some of the smaller traders are being frozen out by big combines.

社会养老保险在排挤商业养老保险吗?。Are Social Old-age Insurance Squeezing Commercial Old-age Insurance?

他必须致力于将新殖民主义从西方国家和美国之中排挤出去。He must work to wring the neocolonialism out of America and the West.

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乔布斯于1985年因意见分岐被排挤出苹果公司。Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985 by a hostile board of directors.

其他的一些公司动用政治同盟排挤外国合作伙伴。Others have used their political allies to squeeze out foreign partners.

许多被排挤掉的逊尼派其实是接受过西方教育,是我们想要找的帮助国家运转的人才。Ironically, many of those Sunnis who were cast out were Western--educated.

小企业在人才与技术方面被大企业排挤出市场。Small firms are crowded out of markets for people and skills by the chaebol.

与此同时秀雅的女儿在学校被排挤,不愿意上学。At the same time fair daughter in the schools out, dont want to go to school.

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竞争是如此激烈,许多较小的公司被排挤了出来。The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.

这个夏天法国排挤罗马,他还考虑引咎辞职,但是没有这样做。He considered resigning over France’s expulsion of Roma this summer—but did not.

我们没有真正的理由可以将他开除,因此我们所能做的是逐渐将他排挤掉。We have no real excuse to sack him, so all we can do is to edge him out by degrees.