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斯霞是幸福的。Sixia is happy.

多么幸福!What happiness!

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但是我们是幸福的!But we were happy!

我感觉很幸福。I feel so blessed.

之后幸福永远。Happily Ever After.

我渴望幸福。I desire happiness.

我的生活是幸福的。My life is blessed.

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幸福本身就是人生之道。Happiness is the way.

祝你幸福。I wish you happiness.

涅盘是幸福!Nirvana is happiness!

我有一个幸福的家庭。I have a happy family.

幸福就在我的左边。I'm not a left-hander.

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迷失在幸福里!Lost in the Happiness!

祝你们生活美满幸福。Wish you a happy life.

幸福就是兽装!Happiness is a fursuit!

在爱的幸福国都。In thm kingdom of love.

幸福就是能让屁股暖和。Hapiness is a warm butt.

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幸福是一个热门话题。Happiness is a hot topic.

莪可以给伱幸福。I Can gIvE yOu HapPyNesS.

这是通往幸福之路。It's a road of happiness.