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聚丙烯腈不溶于丙烯腈。Polyacrylonitrile is insoluble in acrylonitrile.

利用凝胶纺丝方法制备了聚丙烯腈基碳纤维原丝。The PAN-based carbon fiber precursor was prepared with gel spinning method.

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因此,研究电纺聚丙烯腈纳米纤维的设备具有重要意义。So, it is important to study the apparatus of the electrospinning polyacrylonitrile nanofiber.

钢—聚丙烯腈纤维组合使用对混凝土的劈拉强度及韧性具有正混杂效应。The steel- polyacrylonitrile fiber has synergy on the splitting strength and toughness of concrete.

通过优化这些实验参数可以制备出复合效果好、表面光滑无缺陷的聚丙烯腈炭膜。The crack-free PAN-based carbon membranes can be prepared by optimizing the experimental parameters.

介绍了一种催化燃烧法治理聚丙烯腈炭纤维生产工艺中含氰废气的工艺。A kind of catalytic combustion technology for treating the HCN-containing waste gases was introduced.

本论文对聚丙烯腈的结构及其纺丝溶液的流变性能进行了较为系统的研究。The structure of PAN and the rheological behavior of PAN spinning solution were studied in this paper.

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提出了纺制耐热性好的聚丙烯腈中空纤维膜可能的方法和意义。It also suggests the method of spinning the heat resistance PAN hollow fiber membrane and its significance.

因此,认为纤维素和聚丙烯腈在非晶区具有一定的相容性。Then, we consider that the cellulose and polyacrylonitrile are somewhat compatible in their amorphous area.

研究了磷酸对聚丙烯腈基低温碳材料的改性作用。Modification function of phosphoric acid to low temperature carbon based on polyacrylonitrile was investigated.

介绍了聚丙烯腈基碳纤维表面化学镀镍的工艺流程,前处理包括去胶、除油、粗化、中和、敏化、活化和还原。The process flow of electroless nickel plating on the surface of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber was introduced.

为了探求以聚丙烯腈纤维为基体化学镀铅最佳工艺条件。The optimal process conditions of electroless lead plating on the surface of polyacrylonitrile fiber matrix are studied.

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本文还应用计算机模拟方法来寻找能够制备超高分子量聚丙烯腈的有效途径并用它来研究聚合反应动力学问题。The simulation of computer is used to find a better way to prepare UHMW PAN and study its reaction kinetics in this paper.

利用液-液置换法测定了醋酸纤维ca超滤膜及聚丙烯腈PAN超滤膜的孔径及孔径分布。The pore size and the pore size distribution of CA and PAN UF membrane were determined by liquid-liquid displacement method.

对聚丙烯腈基碳纤维的全球使用迅速增加,目前总生产能力不能满足需求。Global use for PAN-based carbon fiber is increasing rapidly, and total production capacity currently does not meet the demand.

利用MM-200摩擦磨损试验机考察了填充聚丙烯腈的聚四氟乙烯复合材料在干摩擦条件下的摩擦学性能。The tribological properties of the PAN filled PTFE composite were evaluated on the MM-200 test rig under dry sliding condition.

研究了增塑剂、聚合物的相对分子质量及共聚单体含量对聚合物熔点的影响,指出聚丙烯腈增塑熔融是可行的。The effect of plasticizer , relative molecular mass of copolymer and amount of comonomer on melting point of polymer was studied.

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使用国产聚丙烯腈基碳纤维进行石墨化实验,制备高模量的碳纤维。Graphitization experiments are carried out on PAN-based carbon fibers manufactured in China to prepare high modulus carbon fibers.

通过液相稳定化法制备了聚丙烯腈稳定化纤维。The stabilized polyacrylonitrile fiber was prepared by the method of liquid-phase stabilization and carbonized in nitrogen atmosphere.

本文介绍了新型抗菌聚丙烯腈纤维的生产工艺、纤维表征和抗菌性能。This article reports the production process, fiber characterisation and antibacterial evalution of this new antibacterial acrylic fiber.