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他不远千里从埃及来。He came all the way from Egypt.

你知道我会不远千里。You know I'd walk a thousand miles.

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你是不远千里,从巴黎来找我的?You have come all the way from Paris to find me?

每年都有许多藏民不远千里前来绕山朝拜。Many Tibetan travels thousands of miles pilgrimaging to Tsedrug each year.

我的家人不远千里来看我,这让我十分高兴,无论是谁过来。I'm just very happy when my family comes over to watch me, whoever that is.

他不远千里来到北京向萨文迪教授的工程师团队寻求帮助。He made the 1,400-mile trip to Beijing and asked Mr. Salvendy's engineers to help.

帝王蝶每年怎样进行不远千里地迁移?。How does the monarch butterfly travel thousands of kilometres on its yearly migration?

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离家的孩子这时要不远千里回到父母家里。Away from home when the children returned to their parents at home to travel long distances.

春节是个亲人团聚的节日,离家的孩子要不远千里回到父母家里。Spring Festival is a family reunion holiday, the children left home to returned to their parents at home.

正是如此强烈的社会责任感让科学家们不远千里,来到青少年身边,从事这项科普工作。Such a strong sense of social responsibility is what draws many of the CAS-ASPIRE scientists to the work.

同仁们,朋友们,感谢你们为“留住祖先餐桌的记忆”而不远千里、万里聚会在这里。All my colleagues and friends present at this forum, I am grateful for your travel all the way from afar to gather here.

也许,你会感到十分的惊讶,号称世界最大的中国小商品城义乌为何不远千里来到汕头澄海花钱做广告呢?Perhaps, you'll feel very surprised. Why the world's largest China Yiwu commodity city do the advertisement in Shantou Chenghai?

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过去,海洋渔业是一个人人可自由参加的比赛,四处都是各国国旗飘扬的船只,从家乡不远千里而来竞相捕鱼。The ocean used to be a free-for-all , with fleets flying the flags of various countries competing for fish thousands of miles from home.

这次布朗先生从大洋彼岸不远千里光临我们公司,我非常高兴。And this time, Mr. Brown come to visit our company through a thousands-of-miles journey from the other side of the ocean, I'm very happy too.

人们为什么会冒着天寒地冻,放弃与家人在正月十五的团聚机会,不远千里地奔波到中国东北的一个遥远的山区小镇。But why do people, rather than staying at their warm homes with their family, come to this freezing, remote town in northeastern China every winter?

我想再次感谢我们所有的同事,特别是以前的同事,能够不远千里,从百忙中抽出时间来参加我们的聚会。Once again I like to thank all my colleagues and especially the past colleagues who have taken the trouble of coming over here in spite of their busy schedules.

很明显他不相信我们不远千里来到这里仅仅是为了在一个极为普通的小岛上打发下午时光。He clearly didn’t believe we’d traveled so far out of the way just to kill an afternoon looking at an island not very different from any of the others in Nagasaki.

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我的不远千里,从杭州赶到青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。To enjoy its atmosphere to the full in the onetime capital, I have, therefore, made light of traveling a long distance from Hangzhou to Qingdao, and thence to Peiping.

不管如何,水晶河,这个可能是世界上最大的野生海牛群寄居的家园,曾一度从一批批不远千里飞来和它们戏水的度假者中获益。Either way, Crystal River, home of perhaps the world's largest herd of wild manatees , has long profited from hordes of holidaymakers flying thousands of miles to swim with them.

阿森纳球迷不远千里来到兰开夏郡为枪手助威,虽然他们的声音淹没在了主队球迷的声势中,但他们还是很用心的在唱,即使球队从上半场2比1领先到最后3比4落败,他们也还一直在唱。The travelling thousands endured a Lancashire soaking but sang their hearts out as they watched their team lose 4-3 to Blackburn despite leading 2-1 after a dominant first-half display.