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雪貂会不会生跳蚤?Can ferrets get fleas?

现在快滚吧,小跳蚤。Now go away, little flea.

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跳蚤傲慢地说。The flea said arrogantly.

呃,一群熊!一群跳蚤?Pack of bears? Pack of fleas?

三月杀跳蚤,杀一少百。Covered with fleas or fleabites.

预防壁蝨与跳蚤的产品。Flea and tick prevention products.

这跳蚤又是何罪之有呢?Wherein could this flea guilty be.

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它的外表很肮脏和长满跳蚤。Its coat was dirty and flea-bitten.

一只醒着的跳蚤,咬了老鼠。A wakeful flea, who bites the mouse.

且住,一只跳蚤联着三条生命呵。Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare.

熊和猫形态的小德现在会吸引跳蚤。Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas.

跳蚤也是个好东西。So you see, fleas are good for something.

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我一定是让跳蚤咬了,胳膊很痒。The beds there are dirty and flea -ridden.

水跳蚤通常用作鱼饲料。Water fleas are usually used as fish food.

跳蚤飞过,寒风拂过。While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.

你有大老鼠和蛇,米饭,跳蚤“他如此说道。You have rats and snakes and mice and fleas.

我的跳蚤因全球变暖而反应异常。My fleas are freaking out about globe warming.

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山狗和跳蚤有什么区别?What's the difference between coyote and flea?

可猫的跳蚤不跟人走。But the fleas from a cat don't go after people.

跳蚤、虱子、臭虫、鼠类都是害虫。Fleas, lice, bedbugs, rats and mice are vermin.