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他当选为委员。He was elected to the committee.

“万事开头难嘛,”NTC委员说道。Teething problems, say NTC members.

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有必要做这个委员会的委员吗?Do you have to chair that committee?

他们委任他为委员。They appointed him to the committee.

他被选举为国家立法机关的委员。He was elected to the state legislature.

中共第十七届中央委员会委员。Member of the 17th CPC Central Committee.

省政协委员举手表决,通过多项决议。Resolutions pass through on a show of hands.

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两位委员被逐出委员会。Two members were turfed out of the committee.

阿多委员负责教育。Commissioner Addo is responsible for education.

公司全体党委委员出席会议。All party committee members to attend the meeting.

董事长是所有委员会中的当然委员。He shall be EX-OFFICIO a member of all committees.

全体委员走了出去,脸色凝重,大为震惊。The committee walked out, grim -faced and shocked.

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英国学习委员,学习成绩好。UK study commissary , the academic record is good.

自由之家推荐的其他顾问委员会委员FH recommendations for other advisory board members

投反对票的是两位共和党委员。The Republican commissioners were the two dissenters.

我是班上的学习委员,又兼任班上的团支部书记。Yes. I was the class commissary in charge of studies.

在校期间曾任文艺委员、化学课代表。A delegate means you are incharge of a certain subject.

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国际奥委会执行委员会委员迪克·庞德领导了这个进程。IOC Executive Board Member, Dick Pound led the process.

委员会新委员必须和其他委员和睦相处。New members must fit in with the rest of the committee.

MPC委员巴克称她同意宾恩的看法.MPC member Kate Barker said she agreed with Bean's view.