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他呵责助手。He barked at his assistant.

谁能呵责你流下忧伤的泪滴。Who then could chide the gloomy tears you shed?

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苦口婆心,我们明知道不对,但是就是无法改,这都是圣人所呵责的。We know we are wrong, but we are unable to change. This is why the sages reprimand us.

爱是当某人伤害你时,而且你很生气,但你没有大声呵责,因为你知道这会伤害他的感情。Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don’t yell at them because you know it would hurt their feelings.

此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理会他,波莉姨妈也总是呵责他,他觉得没有人关怀他。When Tom everything goes against, becky bore his breath, no longer ignore him, aunt polly also always wigged him, he felt no one cared.

我很早就知道,许多像我一样敏感的人甚至收了一言半语的呵责,便会过分懊恼,但他们尽量影藏自己的敏感。I have known early that many people, just like me, are considerably sensitive to reproaches and will become over-irritated once they hear they, but they try to hide their sensitiveness.

我很早就知道,许多像我一样敏感的人,甚至受了一言半语的呵责,便会过分懊恼,他们尽量隐藏自己的敏感。I have known early that many people, just like me, are considerably sensitive to reproaches and will become over-irritated once they hear they, but they try to hide their sensitiveness.