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抑或是正义得到了伸张?Justice served?

正义是否在我们主审的法庭上得到伸张?Was justice done in our courtroom?

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对不义之徒,惩罚是伸张正义。Punishing is justice for the unjust.

观众们喜欢看到正义得到伸张。Audiences like to see justice served.

纵然天塌下来也要伸张正义。Let justice finished, though heaven fall.

每一次伸张正义都会有人鸣冤叫屈。Justice was never done but some one complained.

这到底是伸张了正义还是破坏了苏丹的和平局势?TRIUMPH for justice or a blow to peace in Sudan?

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他站直身长6英尺4英寸,双臂伸张近80英尺。He stands 6-4 with a wingspan of nearly 80 inches.

约翰森,不要伸张,如果你被抓住了,我不知道后果会是怎样。Johnson, off the record, if you're caught, I know nothing about this.

全世界的政府们都不应该保持沉默,必须出来伸张正义。Governments around the world should notstay silence, they must speak up.

甚至在那人还没被送交给警察之前,正义就已得到了伸张。Justice had been done even before the man was handed over to the police.

而那条平静伸张的长河则是让人们感觉舒服的地方。The long placid stretches of the river are where people get comfortable.

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一些西方的人们可能会说卡扎菲应该送上法庭,由法庭来伸张正义。Some in the West will say that Gaddafi should have faced justice in court.

夏安琪付出了惨重的代价,杨欣君受到了法律的制裁,正义得到伸张。Xia Anqi paid heavy price, yang Xinjun got legal punish, justice gets promoting.

正值王太后用餐时,新教徒们冲了进去要求伸张正义。While the Queen Mother was eating dinner, Protestants burst in to demand justice.

你们的使命不仅是保家卫国,更是伸张正义。Your charge now is not only to protect our country, but to do what is right and just.

现在主要的问题是威尔追随汉尼拔来到意大利是为了伸张正义还是为了报仇?The main question as Will pursues Hannibal is whether Will is after justice, or revenge?

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我觉得侦探棒极了,因为他能破获刑事案件使正义得到伸张。I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice.

伸张正义,或者为非作歹,调遣军队,征收税款They give out justice, or the lack of justice, or they send armies in, or taxes, or this stuff.

让我们低头忏悔化作炽天使的剑替你伸张正义。Let us humbly lower our heads to ask for Forgiveness, and to becomeSeraphim's swords for Justice.