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我们说的封建主义,是指什么呢?What do we mean by feudalism ?

封建主义的残余不会很快消失。The hulk of feudalism will not quickly fade away.

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为此他决定和他的封建主义家庭决裂。For this he decided to break with his feudalistic family.

所有的这一切都是封建主义和资本主义再现。All of these are the survivals of feudalism and capitalism.

但封建主义思想意识却以一种残余的形式隐躲下来。But feudalism ideology hides actually by one remaining form.

我是反帝国主义,反封建主义,反国民党蒋介石。I am anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, anti-KMT Chiang Kai-shek.

大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义。As everybody knows, imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.

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税收促进商业和农业超过原封建主义。Taxation facilitated commerce and agriculture more than proto-feudalism.

在城市里,人们高谈科学,可是在农村,封建主义仍然在泛滥。In cities people talked about science, but feudalism flourished on the land.

所以反对封建主义是中国革命的一个根本任务。Therefore, opposing feudalism is a fundamental task of the Chinese revolution.

封建主义的残余影响当然不止这些。Of course, surviving feudal influences are not manifested only in such defects.

这是封建主义向中国的专制寡头最后告别时发出的半夜里猫头鹰一样的凄厉叫声。With an owl scream in the dark, feudalism paid its last tribute to China's despot.

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陈忠实对封建主义的东西并未加以批判,而是采取了某种程度的接受与认同。Feudalism is not criticized by him, but to a certain degree of acceptance and recognition.

在城里,人们高谈科学和民主,可是在农村,封建主义仍然在泛滥。In cities people talked about science and democracy, but feudalism flourished on the land.

封建主义必然诞生资本主义,而资本主义必将走向社会主义。Feudalism was fated to give birth to capitalism, andcapitalism will inevitably give way to socialism.

中国没有任何真正的中世纪式的生产城市,由此可以看出中国封建主义的贫乏性。The meagerness of Chinese feudalism is evidenced by the absence of any real medieval productive cities.

因此,“球低于黄金”膝盖,这是在封建主义的统治又如何解释呢?Therefore, The ball below-knee with gold , that is during the reign of feudal And how can one explain it?

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这些战争使英国的封建主义受到致命打击,贵族阶层受到了削弱。From these Wars , English feudalism received its deathblow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.

这些战争使英国的封建主义受到致命打击,贵族阶层受到了削弱。From these Wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.

他们的许多社会政策被毛派形容为一场抵制“封建主义”的战争,也受到了广泛的欢迎。Many of their social policies, which the Maoists describe as a war against “feudalism”, are also laudable.