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地球上的生命面临一个“水深火热”的未来。Life on Earth faces a warm future – and a fiery one.

这个港口水深火热的四金火山岩石。The fiery depths of this volcano harbor four gold rocks.

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然而,在巴西并不只是比基尼产业正水深火热。And it is not just the bikini industry that is suffering.

而与此同时,朝鲜大部分人民则生活在水深火热之中。Meanwhile, the bulk of his people suffer privation and myriad hardships.

这些话既以我的名义,也代表2011年生活在水深火热中的人民!It is on my behalf and on behalf of my people who live in misery in 2011!

美国正处于经济大萧条的水深火热中,四分之一的人失业。It was the depth of the depression, with a quater of Americans out f work.

因为他们从来没有经历过东马人的生活是怎样水深火热法。It is because they never lived the way how Sabahan live in abyss of suffering.

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这种紧迫感在普通人们处于水深火热之中时就荡然无存。That sense of urgency is always missing when it’s ordinary people who are in trouble.

又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。What with war and what with famine, the populace at large were caught between two fires.

雷蒙是一个十足的野心家,带领军队在当地胡作非为,人民生活在水深火热之中。Raymond is a full careerist, to lead the army in the local act, people living in dire straits.

但即便如此,中国依然没有脱离半殖民地半封建的性质,人民依然水深火热。Even so China still is not from the semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature people still suffering.

许多地区都面临未解决的困境,使他们处于水深火热中,这里恰恰成为异端势力的乐土。The sufferer regions facing unresolved predicaments have become thriving breeding lands of miscreants.

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内梅特补充由于AEK目前水深火热,他们不会永久签下他。Nemeth added that just because AEK were struggling in the league would not put him off signing permanently.

美国正处在水深火热之中,而我们的经济学家却擅离职守,科学家也未走上"金融工程"之道.With America in deep trouble, our economists are AWOL, and our scientists are still off ‘financial engineering.’

“尽管已作出各种努力,人们仍处于水深火热之中,这一切才真正令人担心,”他说。There are real concerns about how vulnerable people still are, despite all the efforts that have been made," he said.

杜根对政治没有什么兴趣,但作为医生,他十分关心处于水深火热之中的巴勒斯坦人民,最后他获得了资格参加此项目。Little interested in politics, but with an aspiring doctor’s concern for Palestinian suffering, Dogan won a lottery to go.

男生陷于水深火热中,女生们的骨胳肌不由得战栗,不由得裹紧被子。The boys was in deep water . And girls who could not help but tremble in skeletal muscle, can not help but tighting quilt.

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在印度尼西亚,猩猩也因为森林砍伐和为了获取棕榈油而清除树木的状况处于水深火热之中。And in Indonesia, orangutans are critically endangered because of forest logging and clearing land for palm oil plantations.

但如果是正处水深火热的大学毕业生看过这些文章后真会有感觉,能为之授用吗?However, if we are suffering are university graduates, after reading these articles I will be feeling, can be granted to use it?

估计到时候处于水深火热的将不只杨一人——因为在坚持要求微软提高报价方面,杨也承受了雅虎董事会的巨大压力。Yang may not take the heat alone, given the amount of backing he received from Yahoo's board to press Microsoft for a higher price.