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是的,我们有一个夜壶。Yes, we had a chamber pot.

被我们的一场场战争注满沉默的夜壶里。In the jugs of silence filled during our wars.

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我们把小瓶里的东西倒进了夜壶里。We poured our little cups into the chamber pot.

您想要的是两份金枪鱼三明治和一年夜壶咖啡,对吗?So it's two tuna sandwiches and a large pot of coffee.

我想要两份金枪鱼三明治和一年夜壶咖啡。I'd like to order two tuna sandwiches and a large pot of coffee.

他在黑暗中对着夜壶撒尿时,熊老的乌鸦正一旁嘀咕着牢骚。He pissed in darkness , filling his chamber pot as the old bear ' s raven muttered complaints.

而且你要说服她,让她认为如果没有一个得克萨斯州这么大的夜壶,人生就白活了。And you're gonna convince her that life is not worth living unless she has jugs the size of Texas.

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身为一位实用陶艺家,由于对夜壶设计元素及应用方法不熟悉,为制造这器皿带来挑战。As a functional potter this vessel posed a challenge in terms of its unfamiliar design elements and the utilitarian application.

为避免使用夜壶满泻而带来的尴尬,现代科按提醒我们何时将达致最高之限量。To avoid the embarrassment of over filling and puddles on the f1oor, modern technology will warn us when we are approaching the maximum limits.

结果采取像唐代的釉作装饰,当想到作品题目之际,最适合不过的夜壶是帝后陪葬物。This lead to my using "Tang-like" glazes for decoration. In thinking of a title . I thought it appropriate this chamber pot be buried with an empress.

甚至到了十九世纪中期,伦敦与其他城市的居民仍然将夜壶中的排泄物倒到窗外的街道上。Even in the mid-nineteenth century, residents of London and other cities were still throwing chamber pots of waste out of their windows into the street.

很明显,这次禁闭行动发展到了白热化的程度,以至于后来管理员竟然冲着楼梯下的捣蛋鬼们倒夜壶。Evidently the action had been so heated leading up to this incarceration that the caretaker had emptied a chamberpot down the stairs onto the troublemakers.

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有钱人有自己的房间,但也有仆人清理夜壶、帮忙穿衣,并且照顾最私密的需求。Some rich people had rooms of their own, but they also had servants to take out their chamber pots, help dress them and take care of their most intimate needs.

人们早起拉伸筋骨、晾晒衣服、倾倒夜壶,日常生活的气息充斥着整个老区的街巷,或者称里弄。The tide of daily life flows through an alley of row houses in an old neighborhood, or lilong, where early rising residents stretch, hang laundry, and empty chamber pots.