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说真的,为什么老鸨和皮条客没有游街呢?Indeed, why not the patrons and the pimps?

为什么不挂牌、不游街示众?Why not listed, do not paraded through the streets?

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抓获的罪犯被游街示众。The captured criminals were paraded through the streets.

被抓获的犯人列队游街示众。The captured criminals were paraded through the main streets.

有时候,你甚至可以看到他游街下来高跷大街。Sometimes you even see him parading down Main Street on stilts.

游街示众吸引了1千多名围观群众,他们各个拍手称快。The parade attracted more than 1,000 spectators, who applauded.

罪犯带着镣铐被押着列队游街示众。The criminals were paraded in chains through the crowded streets.

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球队回到家乡后游街庆祝。When the boys returned home, they were paraded through the streets.

每当卡扎菲访问意大利,他被游街当作荣誉嘉宾。Whenever Gaddafi visited Italy, he was paraded as a guest of honor.

然而游街者并非仅仅是都市中被动、无力的漫游者。But the flâneur is not a merely passive, powerless wanderer in the city.

把我老婆拉到街上游街,戴高帽子,她有什么罪?My wife pulls into the street parade, receive flattery or compliment, she what sin?

在中国,对犯罪嫌疑人进行公开的游街已经有很长的历史了,但是这种做法并非中国独有。China has a long history of parading suspects in public, but it is not unique in this practice.

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现在用长矛举着披着马毛床单的马头去游街吧。Now, go out about the town covered in the horsehair sheet holding the horse’s head up on a pike.

如果我们能够询问那些围观的看客,了解他们对游街示众的看法,我想这将会是很有趣的。It would be interesting to know what the people who gather to watch the shaming parade think about it.

Klewitz说,她很惊讶行人在她2个小时的游街过程中给与她的鼓励性的话语。Klewitz said she was amazed at the words of encouragement from passers-by during her two-hour walk on Wednesday.

恶男实是宇文成都的四叔,宇文成都在街上守护如意游街,得知有人闹事,遂向事发地点赶去。ENan real is yu are four tertiary, yu are in the street parade, the guardian that someone riots, hence the place to go.

地方政府要求其家庭连坐,包括儿童都要游街。Local authorities require the family of the condemned, including young children, to stand in the front row of spectators.

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在1996年,阿富汗亲苏联的总统纳吉布拉,先被阉割,再拉来游街,然后才被吊死。In 1996, the pro-Soviet former president of Afghanistan, Najibullah, was castrated, dragged through the streets and hanged.

我希望那些从别人家偷走股票和债券检查遗嘱从业人员也拉去游街。I wish that those that stole stocks and bonds from the families of those who's wills they probated would have to do the same.

“为什么不拉贪官游街示众?”其中一个帖子说道。“这些妇女仅仅是为了果腹。”"Why aren't corrupt officials dragged through the streets?" read one posting. "These women are only trying to feed themselves. "