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你有人寿保险吗?Do you have life insurance?

终身人寿保险可以获得红利。A whole life policy can earn dividends.

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而他也因此购买人寿保险。And he buys life insurance accordingly.

他们要支付人寿保险费。They have to pay life insurance premiums.

那么,有人会问我究竟需要多少人寿保险呢?Okay, so how much life insurance do I need?

一旦银行崩溃,那么人寿保险公司就会破产。IF BANKS go bang, life insurance firms sputter.

而且也有买人寿保险。And for all I know, Ivan Ilyich had life insurance.

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为什么不变成全程的人寿保险呢?Why don't you make it into full-blown life insurance?

人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.

所以我买了六十万的人寿保险,足以让我儿子成长和自立了。That will be enough for my son to live on till he grow up.

人寿保险业是美国金融体系的重要组成部分。The life-insurance industry is an important piece of the U.

从平安购买人寿保险既容易又方便。Buying life insurance from Pingan is easy and so convenient.

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现在,我是中国中国人寿保险公司的一名业务主任。Now, I am a manager with China Life Insurance Company of China.

最简单的寿险保单形式叫做定期人寿保险The simplest form of life insurance is called "term insurance."

如果你想从事人寿保险,你必须对它有所了解That's what you need to know if you're going to do life insurance.

上个星期我给一位只有33岁的人办了人寿保险。Only last week I sold a life insurance policy to a 33-year-old man.

人寿保险的价值——在24小时内都可能发生经济破产。Life Insurance Value- Financial ruin can occur in less than 24 hours.

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平安人寿保险公司为您提供一系列价廉的保险,请选择吧!Choose from a range of cheap life insurance policies only from Pingan!

尽管我能理解那样的想法,但人寿保险只是一桩交易而已。While I can understand that perspective, life insurance is a business.

多数雇主为他们所有的雇员提供非常基本的人寿保险。Most employers provide very basic life insurance for all their employees.