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他们争论。They argue.

这是有争论的。That's disputed.

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你不要争论。You don't argue.

这里有争论This is disputed.

我们开始争论。We began to argue.

为什么要争论这些?Why all the debate?

我知道那些争论。I know the arguments.

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这可能会惹来一些争论。Some would dispute that.

这个争论无休无止。The debates are endless.

谁可以和这话争论呢?Who can argue with that?

如何鉴定它一直是争论的焦点,是啮齿类异或灵长类?Is it a rodent? A primate?

不争论,只争朝夕!Not arguing seize the day!

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他是个爱争论的人。He is a quarrelsome person.

他为价格争论。He quibbled about the price.

要对婚姻的目的进行争论。about the telos of marriage.

现实主义者们赢得的那场争论。The realists won that debate.

我们开始争吵、争论。We began to bicker and argue.

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谁可以跟奥维尔争论呢?And who can argue with Orwell?

不过一场争论还是悄然临近了。But a face-off may be looming.

这场争论使他心情不好。The argument darkened his mood.