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好,我们来玩拍掌游戏。OK. Let's play hand games.

可否多借我十对手来为他大力拍掌?Can I please have twenty more hands to clap for him?

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我曾在排演了一次后拍掌道`好。So I smacked it once in rehearsal so I said, 'All right.

人要向他拍掌,并要发叱声,使他离开本处。Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place.

新中国航船的桅顶已经冒出地平线了,我们应该拍掌欢迎它。Her masts have already risen above the horizon. Let us all cheer in welcome!

当知道劫机者被制服,大家不禁拍掌欢呼。When we were informed of the seizure of the hijacker, there was big applause.

当我们走过去自己的球迷处时,也可以看到米兰的球迷在拍掌。We went over to our fans, and you could also see some of the Milan fans clapping.

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遇到什么好笑的,如果你是男的就会拍掌大笑,女的就会手捂着嘴咯咯地笑。If you are male, you clap at something funny and if you are female, you giggle whilst placing a hand over your mouth.

我的一位朋友最近发现自己下岗了,我忍不住要为她对整个情况的反应拍掌。A friend of mine found out recently that she is being laid off, and I can't help but applaud her reaction to the whole situation.

看哪,我因你所得不义之财和你中间所流的血,就拍掌叹息。Behold, therefore I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made, and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee.

去年对阿森纳来说确实有许多值得拍掌喝采的地方,尤其是对球队在欧冠赛场一路上的表现,还有丹尼斯·博格坎普享有了一场值得为他举办的告别赛。There were rightly a lot of plaudits for Arsenal, especially for the run in the Champions League and Dennis Bergkamp got a fitting thank you and goodbye.

我们有一大群朋友,大家一块儿唱歌,孩子们让Harako拍掌,因为他们拍掌时,他们也想听见她拍掌。We had our friends and we were singing songs together and they were making her hands clap 'cause when they were doing clapping, they want to hear her claps.

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凯西-莫顿是克拉拉-巴顿儿童中心的老师,他以拍掌为信号,教孩子们改变节目并开始清理场地。Cathie Morton, a teacher at the Clara Barton Center for Children, leads the kids in a clapping exercise to signal that it is time to shift gears and start cleaning up.

她第二天就会拥有一辆新车,所以当她提到这将是她最后一次开这辆车的时候,她还双手在胸前拍掌,非常地开心。She clapped her hand over her mouth when earlier speaking about being happy that this is the last day of driving this vehicle because she will become a new car owner tomorrow.

一只画眉飞了出来,给我们的拍掌声一惊,又飞进树林,站在一根小枝上兴奋地唱着,它的歌声真好听。A thrush flew out, but was startled by our clapping and then turned back into the woods. It stopped at a thin branch, and started to sing enthusiastically. The sounds were so beautiful.