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湖充满了浪漫婉约的想象。The lake is filled with romantic graceful imagination.

小儿子歌声温柔婉约,她一下就知道是孜力巴亚。And the singing of her youngest son is soft, graceful and restrained.

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吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies, wet sky graceful.

上海戏剧学院的美女多是南派气质,婉约可人。Shanghai Theater Academy is full of southern graceful and pleasant girls.

楚弦燕曲,婉约中,谁又寻得见你碧落花丛的羞怨?Chu Xianyan song, graceful, who find me your blue sky Flowers her resentment?

炫彩纱帘,颜色迷人,营造出一种神秘婉约的氛围。Color gauze shade, color, build give a kind of mysterious graceful atmosphere.

其产品雍容华贵、金壁辉煌,大气婉约,深受消费者的喜欢。Its product is of elegant, brilliant, graceful. It is deep enjoyed by consumer.

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温氏恋情诗是婉约词产生的基础和桥梁,又是词向前发展、不断完善的动力和催化剂。Weng's love poetry is the basis and bridge of gentle words, pushing poems forward.

我依然在这个街头婉约风中的港口,心在痛,泪在流。I still in the streets of the heart, the graceful port in pain, tears in the stream.

西餐厅的服装活泼亮丽,中餐厅的婉约古典。Uniform for western restaurant is bright-colored and for Chinese restaurant is classical.

仿佛诗经里娴静婉约的唯美佳人,在水一方,揽镜自照。If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.

“帘”意象在唐宋婉约词中应用范围极其广泛。The word "curtain" is widely used in graceful and restrained poems in Tang and Song Dyna-sty.

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不知不觉有悠扬的琴声袭耳,婉约动听,顿感心境逸然。There are unwittingly melodious sound of the passage of the ears, Subtle sounds, Ran Yi state of mind.

纯洁的贝色给予唯美与婉约感,红与白的麟状游刃于高贵纯美。Pure color from shellfish give it graceful feeling. Unicom shape colored red or white wanders in noble pure.

宋明时期的唐宋词分派,主要是“婉约”与“豪放”两分。In Song and Ming dynasties, Ci fell into two schools, the subtle and restrained, and the bold and unrestrained.

苏轼批评柳永并非针对“婉约”,而是针对“从俗”。Su Shi's criticism against Liu Yong was not aimed at his "gracefulness", but his conformity to vulgarity instead.

李煜、李清照,是婉约词派的代表词人,人称“词家二李”。Li Yu and Li Qingzhao were representatives of Chinese plaintive Ci poets and they were called "dual Li in Ci poets".

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婉约的悲伤连同华美的词章交织成一幅绚丽多彩的图画。Graceful and restrained grief, together with China and the United States chapter of words woven into a colorful picture.

在灯光的烘托下,白色障子纸的纹理图案婉约生动,别有一番自然雅致之美。In the contrast of light, the white shoji paper has graceful and vivid patterns, revealing special natural and elegant beauty.

山因水的环绕流淌而显得婉约,水因山的巍然高耸而映出其伟大。The mountains around the water flowing and appears graceful, towering mountains towering water due to the reflected its great.