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在激动时一挥而就。Do it when you’re excited.

以前关于郭尔王的那一套,他是一挥而就的。All that King Goll crap that he had on, he's tossing it off.

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如若做一份考卷,熟悉相关知识的人可以一挥而就。Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test.

成功的论文无法一挥而就。It is impossible to have your paper successfully written the very first time.

他用笔坦然利落,一挥而就,从而显现出了道家文化的博大精深。His brushwork is unperturbed, neat and swift, showing the broadness and profoundness of the Taoist culture.

昔地,从Facebook上的一言状况更新到一挥而就的10000字博客文章,都是写作。Today, writing can refer to anything from posting a one-line status update on Facebook to dashing off a 10,000-word blog entry.

因此,从咱们社会形态根除这一天生缺陷不可能一挥而就,需要支付出格的努力。Therefore, to eradicate this inherent weakness from our society is nota goal to reach in one move, and it requires special efforts.

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图案一挥而就,鱼儿在水中畅游,大雁在空中飞翔,龙凤在时空中高举着自由的大旗。Design one go, the fish swimming in the water, geese fly in the air, dragon and phoenix in space and time to hold high the banner of freedom.

沐浴着明媚的阳光,踏着绿色的草地,呼吸着新鲜的空气,在大自然的怀抱里“潇洒人生,一挥而就”。Taking bath under radiant and enchanting sunlight, walking on green grassplot and breathing fresh air, realize degage life in the embrace of nature.

这个强大欲望生下一个容易理解系统,可以帮你建立无限数量的网站赢利与市场一挥而就!This powerful desire gave birth to an easy to understand system that can help you build unlimited number of profitable websites and market at one go !