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他看上去就像一个奥运会的短跑选手。He looked like an Olympic sprinter.

他是短跑健将,而不怎么游泳选手。He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.

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极速短跑是一种无氧运动。Wind sprints are an anaerobic exercise.

第三点,短跑强调摆臂动作。Thirdly sprinting emphasizes arm action.

罗布·哈梅林在波尔多获得短跑冠军。Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux.

但在一百米短跑中,威尔玛鲁道夫却赢了。But in the 100-meter dash, Wilma Rudolph won.

参赛选手列队参加100码短跑。The contestants lined up for the 100-yard dash.

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他打破了一百米短跑的纪录。He has broken all records in the l00 meter dash.

她创造了二百米短跑新世界记录。She set a new world record in the 200-meter dash.

他赛了18次马拉松后才改短跑的。He ran 18 marathons before dropping to shorter distances.

我有很多时间,期待明年六月我的第二次急速短跑全能三项。I had a great time, and look forward to my next sprint tri in June.

乔在百米短跑赛中以一秒之差打败去年冠军。Joe beat out last year's champion in the 100-meter sprint by one second.

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之后,他成为第一位打破200米20秒的青年短跑选手。He later became the first junior sprinter to break 20 seconds for the 200.

主人们还要下蹲、弓步、跳跃和短跑等训练。Various squats, lunges, jumps and sprints are incorporated for the humans.

我很高兴来汇报今早完成的第一次急速短跑三项全能运动!I’m happy to report that I finished my first sprint triathlon this morning!

长久以来,田径教练声称最好的短跑选手是天生的,而非后天练成的。Track coaches have long claimed that the best sprinters are born, not made.

所以我对这第一次的急速短跑全能三项立下的目标就是坚持完成且有不错的时间。So my goal for this first sprint tri was just to finish and have a good time.

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如果你能花六十秒进行短跑,去填满那不可饶恕的一分钟。If you fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds's worth of distance run.

平跑项目有短跑,中距离和长距离。On the flat, there are sprints, middle distance races and long distance races.

就短跑选手而言,一百码跑是在三秒钟内完成的,而非九或十秒。To a sprinter, the hundred-yard dash is over in three seconds, not nine orten.