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不为零的无穷小时间间隔infinitesimal interval of time not yet 0.

负无穷小于包括其自身在内的任何数。Negative Infinity is less than everything including itself.

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在19世纪,无穷小,取而代之的限制。In the 19th century, infinitesimals were replaced by limits.

可以说,数学分析就是无穷小分析。It can be said that mathematical analysis is infinitesimal analysis.

本文给出无穷小拟合法的一般形式。In this paper, we give general form of equivalent infinitesimal fitting method.

无穷小涉及的范围广泛,有很多很好的性质。Infinitesimal is involved in a wide range, which has a lot of very good characters.

利用弱无穷小算子,我们找出了最优停时规则。We find optimal stopping rules by using the weak infinitesimal generator of markov process.

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讨论了李群胚在流形上的作用及其无穷小作用。In this paper we discuss actions of Lie groupoids and their infinitesimal actions on manifolds.

然后给出判定无穷多个无穷小之积是无穷小的两个定理。Then two theorems are given for judging a product of infinite infinitesimals being an infinitesimal.

本文利用积分公式研究了有边界子流形的无穷小变差。The infinitesimal variations of submanifold with boundary were studied by means of integral formulas.

定义质点的无穷小空间螺旋弧运动为质点的瞬时运动。And the infinitesimal spiral motion of a particle is defined as the instantaneous motion of the particle.

研究不同的马氏半群无穷小算子之间代数式收敛的关系,获得了若干比较定理。Some operator can be compared with a special and simple case so that the algebraic convergence can be got.

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作为一个特殊情况,还给出了无穷小热粘弹性断裂力学的基本方程组。Asa special case, the governing equations for infinitesimal thermoviscoelastic fracture mechanics are given.

而反应扩散过程的定义和性质也依赖于其无穷小算子的性质。The definition and characteristics of the reaction and diffusion process were proven depended on infinitesimal operators.

从无穷小变形条件下应变的定义出发,提出了大变形时真实切应变的概念。A new concept for large strain-true shear strain-was proposed based on the definition of strain at infinitesimal deformation.

本文介绍了如何利用无穷小等价代换求未定式的极限,使计算简单化。This paper introduces how to make use of the replacement of same value infinitesimal in calculating limit of the undecided type.

在大爆炸理论里,早期宇宙的状态是一个奇点,这意味着宇宙曾经是无穷小的。In Big Bang theory, the state of the Universe is a singularity in early times, meaning that the Universe was once infinitely small.

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本文对用等价无穷小代换与洛必达法则求函数的极限进行了探讨。This article discusses some problems which should be paid attention to using equivalation infinite small and the L Hospital Theory.

先通过构造的一组实例说明无穷多个无穷小之积是不定式。In this paper, first by making a group of examples, it is illustrated that product of infinite infinitesimals is an indeterminate form.

半群和其无穷小生成元之间的关系是算子半群理论的一个基本问题。The relation between the semigroup and its infinitesimal generator is one of the fundamental problems in the theory of semigroups of operators.