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美军现在已经部署了超过1000个未来指挥所系统。More than 1,000 CPOF systems are deployed with the U.S. military.

美军现在已经部署了超过1000个未来指挥所系统。More than 1, 000 CPOF systems are deployed with the U.S. military.

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在峡谷对面的山上,奥军也有类似的战地指挥所。The Austrians had similar posts on the mountains across the valley.

第二天,我们向12K挺进,那里是敌军的一个营指挥所,我们要清除它。The second day, we moved up onto 12K, which was a Bn CP, and cleared it.

最后详细论证了未来指挥所系统的军事应用前景。Finally the prospect of the martial application of CPoF is discussed in details.

自上周以来,一个发烧监测指挥所一直在该村开展工作。A command post for fever surveillance has been functioning in the village since last week.

哈姆说,联军当天向利比亚的导弹阵地、指挥所和防空阵地发射了12枚巡航导弹。Ham said 12 more cruise missiles were fired at Libyan missile, command and air defense sites.

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德国碉堡的奥马哈海滩作为美军指挥所服务,在入侵的初期。German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.

将军对占用的楼房很反感,一般都把战地指挥所设在户外的帐篷里。The general had an aversion to occupying buildings and usually kept a command post in tents out in open.

介绍了基于蓝牙技术的WPAN在指挥所网络建设中的应用。The application of WPAN based on the Bluetooth in the construction of command post network is introduced.

其中包括首批173艘运兵船,8辆指挥所的车和119部骑兵战车。That initial batch includes 173 troop transports, eight command post vehicles and 119 cavalry fighting vehicles.

据脱北者透露,在平壤的指挥所,有连接到顺安机场的地下铁路。According to defectors said the command post in Pyongyang, Sunan airport is connected to the underground railway.

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不像易受攻击的地面指挥所,e-4b具有躲避直接攻击的机动能力。Unlike ground? based command sites that are vulnerable to attack, the E-4B has the mobility to escape direct assault.

复杂的堑壕网中包含了指挥所、前线补给点、医疗站、伙头军和厕所。The intricate network of trenches contained command posts, forward supply dumps, first-aid stations, kitchens, and latrines.

几分钟过后,地面指挥所的官员公布了一张位于夏威夷的某观测站拍摄到的“撞击亮光”照片。Minutes later, officials showed off a picture captured by an observatory in Hawaii displaying a bright flash from the impact.

五角大楼将该演习称作“指挥所演习”,目的是加强美军与韩军的协调。The Pentagon billed the exercise as a "command post exercise" that would improve coordination of U.S. and South Korean forces.

其实,发生在这个旅指挥所的新鲜事,也正是“砺兵-2008”实兵对抗演练的一个新亮点。In fact, this brigade command post in the new, it is also "Li Bing -2008" military confrontation training of a new bright spot.

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资产管理公司包括人员输送,指挥所,救护车和恢复,同时AMC40是一个带有武装装有40毫米炮塔。AMC include a personnel carrier, command post, ambulance and recovery while AMC40 is fitted with a turret armed with a 40mm gun.

美国突击队救出囚禁在伊拉克医院中的十九岁士兵洁西卡林琪,此医院曾被伊拉克用来当作战地指挥所。US commandos rescued 19-year-old Private Jessica Lynch from captivity at an Iraqi hospital that was being used as a command post.

第五集团军指挥所设在机场附近的松林里,英王的座机可在此降落。The commanding post of the 5th Group Army was set in a pine forest nearby an airfield where his Majesty's plane was going to land.