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魔鬼练习让良多人膂力不支。The devil exercises help greatly people hypodynamic brawn.

恒久生病消耗了这老人的膂力。The long illness hadvertising wasted the old manas strength.

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任何需求膂力和肉体力气穿白色衣服。Anyone in need of physical or mental strength wear red clothes.

一个膂力强劲的投弹手可以肃清前方20—35码远的所有地域。One strong-armed thrower can clean out, all ground 20-35 yards to his fore.

回到学校后又得忍耐膂力极限的辛劳停止补课。Back to school after must endure brawn limit of toil stop makes up a missed lesson.

穿起来很舒畅,很合适膂力活动,目测便利耐穿类型。It looks very comfortable, very suitable for physical activity, visual convenience durable type.

我对园艺一无所知,但是你要建假山的话,我照旧可以为你干些膂力活的。I don't know anything about gardening, but I could do the donkey work for you if want to make a rockery.

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大力士喜欢炫耀自己的膂力,酷嗜锻炼肌肉之类的运动。Strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action.

即使是最好的分子所产生的他称之为“光学膂力”的强度也比理论可能存在的极限值要小30倍。Even the best molecules had 30 times less optical brawn, as he calls it, than was theoretically possible.

文彦通知高虹本人要保存膂力继续去寻觅姗姗,他心里依然保存一丝希望。WenYan notice GaoHong I want to save brawn continue to search the SAN SAN, his heart still save a glimmer of hope.

在天阁露玛野生海豚度假村,我狂妄而尽兴地实行了一天的“膂力工作”,其中的膂力投入是我观光当中从未有过的体验,真的是特别很是HIGH的一天。In the Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort, I crazy and have fun in a day of "manual", which I travel, physical input never had the experience, really is a very HIGH day.

那些加重并避免体重反弹的妇女同样也增添了闲暇时光的膂力运动,做一些诸如爬楼梯,在家里以及工作的时分多多走动之类的事情。Those who lost and kept off the weight also increased their leisure time physical activity, doing things like taking the stairs and moving about more at home and work.

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主食首要包罗面包、馒头、面条等等,普通重量在一两摆布,身体高峻或膂力耗费较年夜者可恰当增添到2量。Staples include bread, steamed bread, noodles and so on, general component at around one or two, tall or greater physical exertion can be appropriate to increase to two volume.