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一个好学生要有力争上游的决心。To strive to be a pace-setter.

我们应在各个领域力争上游。We must improve in every area.

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这个班级每个同学都力争上游。Each student strives for the best in this class.

决心力争上游才会有新的成就。New avenues of achievement require commitment to growth.

“力争上游”计划的目标很好,但是实施很糟。Race to the Top had good goals, but poor implementation.

我仍然认为我们应该力争上游,全力以赴达到我们的目标。I still think we should aim high, and do our best to achieve our goal.

我们要在坚持党的优良传统作风方面,力争上游!We should aim high in upholding the Party's fine traditions and work style!

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许多国家和地区的本地牌子也在力争上游以赢得顾客的青睐。Local brands in many countries and areas have an uphill battle to gain support.

成群的不雅众力争上游的想占个最好位置,以便不雅战。Throngs of spectators try to get themselves in the best position to see the action.

要想取得胜利,你必须力争上游,而这需要你努力工作,付出大量的时间。To win, you have to swim upstream early on–and that requires hard work and long hours.

之后我想要力争上游得到像专案经理这样的主管职位。I would then like to work up to a senior position, such as being a project team leader.

可口可乐更力争上游,成为战时最畅销产品之一。And Coca-Cola managed to make itself one of the most widely distributed products of wartime.

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对卡丁车情有独钟,对自己的要求也特别高,做什么都力争上游。He is interested in go-kart , he is strict with himself whatever he does he will do his best.

朱先生曾经领导过一家电子厂,在利益率上力争上游。Zhu said, as he headed for an electronics factory, where he would inquire about profitability.

力争上游的人认为事业与福祉是自己的责任—这些事情全看你自己有没有心。Thrivers take personal responsibility for their own careers and happiness—they are self-empowered.

那么我们谈谈奥巴马总统和教育部长阿内肯尼的力争上游计划。So now come President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan with their Race to the Top program.

太累了,这样只拖朝夕力争上游的人生,活着似乎就是为了含辛茹苦。Tired, it is not only delayed overnight strive for the best in life, seems to be alive to struggled.

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之后,推销员做任何一件事都心平气和,珍惜机会,发奋图强,力争上游。Afterwards, the sales man did anything with a calm mood and cherished every opportunity to improve himself.

我觉得这有点令人困扰,因为我认为沙特阿拉伯这样一个富国应该力争上游。I find that a little disturbing, because I think Saudi Arabia, which is such a wealthy country, should be aiming high.

我这一辈子不断地确立目标,力争上游,志存高远,希望能成为后人的楷模。Throughout my life, I constantly set goals, aim high, and dream big in hopes of being a role model for others behind me.