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月出孤山寒。Moonrise Gushan cold.

到得孤山翻作恶,海棠闹月不曾来。Gushan to have turned evil, never to month Begonia trouble.

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孤山的秀丽景色与城郊的地理位置有利于人们对林逋隐逸的评判。Beautiful scene and suburb location is in favor of the judge of LIN Bu' s reclusion.

在回家的路上,他经过白水之南,有一座叫孤山的地方,在那里他遇见了狂屈先生。Kuangqu when he passed a place called Gu Mountain which is by the south of Bai River.

这座孤山坐落在北亚利桑那,漂亮的岩石令我神魂颠倒。I was blown away by the effect of the Earth's shadow beyond this butte located in northern Arizona.

这些孤山是坚硬的火山岩在流水侵蚀走周围松软的岩石后形成。Buttes are composed of hard volcanic rock left behind after water eroded away the surrounding soft rock.

大孤山铁矿运输系统目前由铁路、汽车和胶带运输机等三类设备联合组成四种形式。Today the transport system used in Dagushan iron Mine possesses four forms consisted of the rail, truck and belt conveyor.

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长兴岛大孤山休闲度假区概念性详细规划设计及主景观设计。The conceptual design of the detailed planning and the main landscape design of Changxing Island Dagu Mountain leisure resort.

河南焦晋高速公路孤山隧道利用人工砂的一种即机制砂进行了喷射混凝土支护。One kind of artificial sands, machine-made sand, has been used in shotcrete supporting for Gushan tunnel of Jiaojin thruway, He′nan province.

大杨树盆地自下而上发育的主要地层有下白垩统龙江组、九峰山组、甘河组及上白垩统嫩江组、孤山镇组。From base to top, the strata of Dayangshu basin are Longjiang formation, Jiufengshan formation, Ganhe formation, which belong to the lower Cretaceous.

首先是畅游西湖,可以欣赏到令人难忘的景色,如三潭映月、白堤、苏堤和孤山。You will first cruise across the West Lake to view unforgettable sceneries such as the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, the Bai and Su causeways, and Solitary Hill.

通过鞍千矿业公司赤铁矿与大孤山选矿厂的铁精矿配比30∶70,从生产指标看能满足生产球团矿的要求。The ore matching ratio of iron concentrate of 30∶70 in Anqian mining company and Dagushan dressing plant can meet the demand of pellet production at each indicator.

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在这风景区,孤山,岳飞将军的陵墓,六和寺和灵隐寺大概是最经常访问的景点。In this scenic area Solitary Hill the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions.

经专家论证,在大孤山选矿厂二选车间进行了单系统工业试验,取得了理想选别指标,为技术改造设计提供了可靠的依据。Its single system industrial test in No. 2 workshop achieved ideal metallurgical performances, providing a reliable basis for the future technical transformation design.

村前有一座孤山,中间空一洞,两面贯通,如一扇石门,名穿岩,穿岩村名由此而来。There is a mountain before the village, get empty one hole in the center, the both sides masters, such as a stone door, wears a rock, wearing rock village from here and since then.

他在西湖的隐居之地孤山,今日常常有诗人和学士的游迹,而在他的墓下便是他的“儿子”鹤的墓。Today the site of his seclusion on the Kushan in the middle of the West Lake is an object of pilgrimage for poets and scholars, and below his tomb is the tomb of the stork, his "son".

文中叙述了繁峙孤山水库险加固工程帷幕灌浆的施工方案选择、施工过程及工程的质量检查。This paper introduces the scheme selection, the construction process and the project quality inspection of curtain grouting in consolidation project of Gushan Reservoir in Fanshi County.

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人工砂是机制砂和混合砂的总称,在砂源缺乏地区经常在建筑、矿山、水利工程中得到使用。河南焦晋高速公路孤山隧道利用人工砂的一种即机制砂进行了喷射混凝土支护。Artificial sand is the generalization of machine-made sand and mixed sand, and has been widely used in construction, mining and irrigation works in the region of scarcity of natural sand.

受新构造运动作用,庐山孤山屹立,大构造巍峨壮观,小构造千姿百态。Under the influence of Neotectonism, Lushan Mountain stands erect all alone, where large structures are majestic and magnificent, while the small ones are in different poses and expressions.

2009年8月8号是东港QQ群建群俩周年纪念日,纪念活动安排在位于辽宁省东港市大孤山附近的大鹿岛,岛上蓝天,白云,人群,笑语,夏日舒适的阳光照耀在群友们的心里,令人陶醉!It was on August 8th , 2009 that we celebrated the 2nd anniversary of the QQ group named Yilinzhixiu and performed a ceremony at Dalu Island near the Dagu Mountain in Donggang , Liaoning Province.