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喝酒为什么要碰杯?Why clink while drinking?

他们碰杯喝酒。They clink glasses and drink.

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在匈牙利喝酒不要碰杯。Don't clink and drink in Hungary.

再碰杯,这次有点犹豫了。They clink glasses again, less certainly this time.

他们碰杯互祝健康。They clinked glasses and drank each other's health.

此刻我向新娘子玛莉、新郎官鲍伯碰杯致敬。I now give the toast to the bride and groom, Mary and Bob.

喝酒时碰杯的传统可以追溯到中世纪。The clinking of glassed traces its roots to medieval days.

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后来比分锁定在1—1,他们于是在G20峰会上碰杯。Since the teams tied 1-1, they traded brews at the G-20 summit.

当他和外甥碰杯时,他的手也哆嗦了。His hand shook too, as he clinked his glass against his nephew's.

碰杯被认为是不礼貌的,除非当你说“干杯”时。It's considered impolite to clink glasses unless you say "cheers".

我为这幸福的一对碰杯,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together.

剪裁是个好东西,音乐更加不错,与朋友碰杯更是快事一件。Scissors are good, music is better, and mixed drinks with friends are best.

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碰杯的起源自饮酒家的健康和安全观念。Clinking of glasses traces its root to the health and safety of the drinker.

一种是早期欧洲人认为碰杯的声音可以驱逐恶灵。One is that early Europeans felt the sound helped to drive off evil spirits.

身份地位相似的人相互敬酒时,要相互斟酒,碰杯对饮。People with similar status toast each other, we should pour each other, clink on the drink.

贝蒂˙威廉斯用她的香槟杯与我碰杯庆祝,她是香港最有钱的一位女富豪。Betty Williams, one of the richest women in Hong Kong clinked her champagne glass against mine.

在一场比赛中看起来他们碰杯是板上钉钉的事了,而下一场比赛他们就可能三球完败。In one game they'll look dead-certs to lift the trophy, in the next they'll be three goals down.

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请列位碰杯并同我一块儿为全部在坐的朋友们的康健干杯!I'd ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends represent here.

Madeleine和我互相碰杯,盛满苹果汁的酒杯闪着波光,我们互表决心,然后睡觉。Madeleine and I clinked our wineglasses full of sparkling apple cider, made resolutions and went to bed.

有的时候,干杯者相互之间还要碰上一下酒杯,所以它又被叫作碰杯。Sometime, bottoms up the mutual still need to meet with wine cup, quare it is again been called to touch a cup.