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一个男人自告奋勇帮助他们。A man volunteered to help them.

有一个名叫毛遂的人,自告奋勇愿意同去。A man called Mao Sui volunteered.

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有没有自告奋勇的?Who's willing to volunteer a reason?

“我可以借你一些书,”简自告奋勇地提议。‘I could lend you some books,’Jane offered.

“防止老鼠跑进来”我大儿子自告奋勇答道。“To keep out rats?” volunteered my older son.

所以我们自告奋勇帮助像她一样的女人。So we have volunteered to help women like Milk.

凯伦·潘自告奋勇,提出站第一班为时三十分钟的岗。Karen Penn volunteered for the first half-hour shift.

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有的人则自告奋勇地要为此出钱出力。Some people volunteered to contribute money to this end.

阿好腰伤刚好就又自告奋勇去给赵胖子帮忙。O good YaoShang just volunteered to help zhao fatty again.

他自告奋勇当这次会议的特派记者。He volunteered as special correspondent for the conference.

我想说明的是,我从未自告奋勇地介入这一问题。Let me make clear, I never volunteered to get involved in it.

几个开过推土机和当过泥瓦匠的士兵自告奋勇。A couple of ex-bulldozer operators and an ex-mason volunteered.

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现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?Now let's recite the poem we learned last week. Any volunteers?

我满心指望像平常一样,某位女士能自告奋勇I fully expected one of the women to volunteer6, as was usually the case

我自告奋勇地上了其中的一个划子,当然,我并没有多少事可做。I volunteered for one of the boats, where I had, of course, no business.

狄克见一妇人轮胎泄气,就自告奋勇帮助她补胎。Dick saw a woman with a flat tire and offered to give her a hand with it.

他自告奋勇,来这个偏远的泰雅族部落教英文,而且一教就三年。He volunteered to come Atayal community to teach English for three years.

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云姐自告奋勇,带丫鬟小月进去捡风筝。Cloud elder sister come forward with girl abortion in picking up the kite.

带着无限的热情,他自告奋勇地把这首诗给我父亲看了。With unbounded enthusiasm he volunteered personally to acquaint him with it.

作为一名自告奋勇的博物学家,我迫不及待地想告诉他蓝鸟需要帮助。A volunteer naturalist , I was eager to tell him about the help bluebirds needed.