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开门,要不然我就要破门而入了。Open up, or I break in.

卡恩斯说,“要不然我还能怎么做?Because what else could I do?

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你要么坐公车要不然就待在家里。Take the bus or stay at home.

别磨磨蹭蹭了,要不然我们就来不及了。Don't dally about or we'll be late.

多穿点,要不然会感冒!Put on more, or you will catch cold!

要不然你们去赛一场足球吧?Why don't you play a game of soccer?

别揭那个痂,要不然会流血的。Don't pick the scab or it will bleed.

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要不然,社会就压倒药物的作用。If not, society overpowers the drugs.

别再迟到了,要不然你会自找苦吃的。Don't be late again, or you'll ask for it.

可以吃点别的东西,要不然会死去。You can die or you can eat something else.

快点吧,要不然你今天准会迟到。You must hurry up, or you'll be late today.

要不然,你现在就吞点下肚,有你好看的。You just swaller some of it once—you'll see.

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要不然就只是和自己趣味相投的人混在一起。and you only mingle with people of your type.

除非风和日丽,要不然我只是赤裸裸地呆在屋里。Unless it’s a warm day, I’m only naked inside.

你别找茬儿闹事,要不然我就叫警察了!Don't give me any aggro or I'll call the police!

现在就去睡觉,要不然明天你会觉得很困的。Go to bed now or you'll be really tired tomorrow.

要不然我会刺你的,后果自负。Or else I'll stab you, there will be consequences.

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“别急,”帕斯基说,“要不然你会得上冠心病。”"Relax, " Persky told him. "You'll get a coronary. "

你小子别再打我弟弟了,要不然…!You'd better stop hitting my little brother, or else!

要不然失败会导致计算机崩溃,到时候别责怪我。Failure results in a bricked computer. Don't blame me.