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竹器是指用竹子作材料编制的器具。Bamboo ware is the ware which made of bamboo.

内设书屋、客厅、卧室,陈设竹器家具。Equipped halls, living room, bedroom, furnishings bamboo furniture.

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美术竹器产品在柜台的右边。Artistic bamboo ware products are shown in the counter on the right.

其实在民间竹器物的设计制作中,蕴含着许多值得我们借鉴的文化价值。Nevertheless, unique cultural values that merit attention implicate in their designing and making.

斑铜、蜡染、陶器、大理石、竹器是昆明的特色工艺品。Bronze handicrafts, batiks, pottery, marble and bamboo articles are special local products of Kunming.

由于竹器物难以保存的缘故,致使对传统民间竹器物的研究介绍经常游离于史论著作当中。The introduction to folk bamboo utensils often scatter in historical essays, for it is difficult to preserve them.

竹器主要是指利用竹子制作的各种花竹椅、方竹桌、竹沙发、茶几等家具用品。Bambooware mainly refers to such household items as bamboo chair, square bamboo table, bamboo sofa, bamboo tea table, etc.

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竹器、藤器用久了会积垢变色,用软布蘸盐水擦洗即可去污。Articles made of bamboo, cane implement with long meeting scale becomes angry, dip in with soft cloth brine is swabbed can decontamination.

宝庆竹刻是从实用竹器工艺中脱胎出来的一种集观赏、实用于一体的民间工艺。Born out of the bamboo ware workmanship, the Baoqing bamboo engraving is a kind of handicraft integrating both aesthetic enjoyment and application.

益阳小郁竹器就是以这种工艺为主,结合拼、嵌、榫合等技法制作的小竹器。The production of Yiyang Xiaoyu bambooware mainly make use of this craft together with such techniques as piecing together, inlaying, and tenon joint.

适用绝大部分非金属材料,如皮革,布料,木器,竹器,纸张,有机材料,压克力,塑料,还氧树脂等。Applicable for most of materials such as leather, cloth, carpentries, bamboo ware, paper sheet, organic material, acrylics, plastic, oxygen resin and so on.

解放后以农业为主,工商为辅,一、二、三产业排序鲜明,重要产品有稻谷、杨梅、生姜、葡萄、柑橘、竹器、瓷器、纸等。After the liberation, it takes agriculture as the dominant, industry and commerce as the auxiliary, the primary, secondary and tertiary industry well sorted.

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华立集团创建于1970年,集团的前身只是杭州余杭镇上的一家手工作坊“余杭镇竹器雨具厂”,凭着不屈不挠、自强不息的创业精神华立走到了今天。Holley was founded in 1970, who was deriving from a pure workshop, Yuhang Bamboo Rain Gear, in Hangzhou, and with perseverance and constant strive, she made it today.

最后梳理现状,对比历史总结竹器作为传统器物在当下社会物质文化快速转变中面临的存留问题。At last, paper classify status, compare it to history and summarize the retention problem of bamboo ware as traditional material culture in the rapidly changing contemporary society.

特殊的地理环境造就了川西坝子极具地域特色的人文环境,使得传统竹器依然存在于当下人们日常生活中。The unique geographical environment create a human context of the very geographical features in West Sichuan plain area, so the bamboo ware in the tradition still exists in contemporary daily life.