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所以我祈祷,我将远走他乡。So I prayed, I could break away.

真心地谢谢你,敏你在他乡也好吗?Many sincere thanks to you, dear Min.

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悱恻,思念远在他乡的丈夫。She longs for her husband who is faraway.

可是我必须越过密苏里河,远走他乡。Away, I'm bound to go 'Cross the wide Missouri.

十年他乡客,寄书何处觅?Ten years of foreign guest book, where to find?

他准备远走他乡,继续务农。He plans to move far away and return to farming.

当她远在他乡时总是思念她的孩子。She misses her child when she lives away from home.

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客居他乡并不总是一件令人愉快的事。Living in a strange land is not always a pleasant thing.

许多人在饥荒中逃往他乡。Many people deserted their homes during the food shortage.

即使你甘愿放弃我也只有远走他乡。You would be a sweet surrender but I must go the other way.

离开家人远走他乡,那时我不过还是个孩子。When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy.

每一阵隆隆的雷声都似乎把我们和远在他乡的儿子拉近了一些。Each rumble seemed to tie us closer to a son so far from home.

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当你远在他乡时,你需要的不仅是一个住的地方。You need more than a place to stay when you're away from home.

不过远走他乡的山姆,从此再没回来重拾旧爱。But Sam, having sallied forth, never returns to reclaim his love.

身在他乡为异客,估计会是一种惶惑,甚至需要摸索的生活体验。Moving to a new country can be a confusing, even trying, experience.

祝远在他乡的游子们中秋节快乐!Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Mid-autumn day!

我默默地把这份爱埋藏于心底,愿远走他乡的朋友万事如意!I buried my heart this love in silence, And breakaway friend good luck!

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他们在异地他乡找不到工作,大多数人陷入了进退两难的困境。There were no jobs and most of them were stranded in an alien environment.

林建设在从拘留所出来后,没有再回到林家,而是远走他乡。In LinJian from custody after coming out, no return to the lins, but migrate.

当我远在他乡时,老爸从来不会给我写信,也从来不给我打电话。Whenever mom was calling me, dad would sit beside her with a list of questions.