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这些坏人应如何治罪?How should we punish these bad hats?

他现在被拘留了,但是还没有治罪。He's now in custody but has not been charged with a crime.

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金枪鱼三文治。恶心,不过还不够治罪。A tuna sandwich. "Disgusting, but not enough for a conviction."

你们害怕,如果他们跑掉,你们就会被逮捕,被治罪,被枪毙吗?Were you afraid that if they escaped, you would be arrested, convicted, shot?

我不赞成刘晓波的许多观点,但反对任何以言治罪的方式。I don't approve of many of Liu Xiaobo's views, but I oppose any criminalization of speech.

朱耀宗只得将母亲和恩师的婚事报告皇上,请皇上治罪。So Zhu could do nothing but report to the emperor and express his readiness to be punished.

更重要的是,他争取到一个买办身份,至少回国之后可以暂时免遭缉拿治罪。More importantly, he secured a comprador identity, at least after returning home can temporarily from arrest conviction.

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于是擎天又说,四喜现在正带着家丁和许多抓妖的法宝要抓她回刘家治罪。So the giant said, four xi is now with many assume and to grasp the demon magic weapon to catch her back to the lius jeopardy.

台湾特侦组认为陈水扁夫妇有潜逃海外之嫌,因此将按涉嫌贪污治罪条例,限制其出境。The detective team has put Chen and his wife under exit restriction to prevent him from escaping overseas due to suspected bribe charges.

当我们一群人抓到了朝我们卧室窗口偷看的那个人时,我们把他私自治罪,狠揍了一顿。When a group of us caught the man who had been peeping into our bedroom windows we took the law into our own hands and gave him a good thrashing.

事后,赵高通过各种手段把那些不顺从自己的正直大臣纷纷治罪,甚至满门抄斩。After the event, Zhao Gao punished by various means those ministers with a sense of justice who were not obedient to him, even with whole families of some of those ministers executed.

企图一举而收惩罚与改造之效,无异对肺炎患者试行治罪兼治病的疗法。To propose to punish and reform by the same operation is exactly the same as if you were to take a man suffering from pneumonia and attempt to combine punitive and curative treatments.