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盛行西北风。Prevailing northwest wind.

一种新风尚盛行起来。A new tide of fashion sets in.

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医生,本人想本人得了盛行性感冒。Doctor, I think I have the flu.

盛行东北和西南风。Northeast and southwest winds prevail.

滑雪运动最近盛行起来。Skiing has become very popular recently.

那种陈旧的信念盛行了短短一阵子。The old belief enjoyed a short currency.

这是这一季最盛行的穿着。This is the in thing to wear this season.

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超短裙是在60年代开始盛行的。Mini-skirts first caught on in the 1960's.

风向盛行西北转南东。Southeast winds prevailing northwest turn.

亚里斯多德的科学早已盛行一时。Aristotle's science had acquired ascendancy.

迷信盛行于蛮族之间。Superstition is rife among the savage tribes.

这尾盛行歌直在生齿浓密的都会风行。The pop song is popular in the populous city.

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在雷根当政期间,新保守主义盛行。Neo- conservatism prevailed in the Reagan era.

人们常常闻声她唱这首盛行歌曲。People always heard her singing this pop song.

现在盛行美国风格的名人新闻。Indeed, American-style celebrity news is thriving.

传统藏族文化盛行于达旺。Traditional Tibetan culture runs strong in Tawang.

风靡全球,刚刚传入国内,现在各大城市正在盛行。Bodacious , just to domestic cities is popular now.

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这种做法在非洲某些地区仍然很盛行。The practice still prevails in some parts of Africa.

自信和乐观精神到处盛行。A new spirit of self-assurance and optimism prevails.

一件长大衣在这个外套盛行的季节显得太胆小了。One long coat in a season of outerwear was too timid.