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起先这一扯谈观点看似正确。At first this myth might seem true.

起先,她的母亲不敢相信。At first, her mother was skeptical.

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听到这几个字,她的眼睛迟疑地睁开,起先她的目光看上去是模糊的,然后清晰。At these words, her eyes opened hesitantly.

起先,魏王并不理睬他们。At first, the king paid no attention to them.

汉密尔顿起先凝视着我,又看了看照片。Hamilton peers first at me then at the image.

起先,我不能够相信它是子怡。But my mother told me she was sure it was Ziyi.

伟大的梦想都是从小舞台起先的。It's on the small stages big drei'ms come alive.

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起先,他坐在一个垫子上面,嘴里诅咒着学校。At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school.

起先,我刚刚以我的嘴站立公开而且看.At first, I just stood with my mouth open and looked.

起先亚力克很喜欢与同学们的伙伴关系。At first Aleck enjoyed the fellowship of his classmates.

我起先没有将这事告诉你们,因为我与你们同在。I did not tell you this at first because I was with you.

医生们起先嘲笑这个来历不明的旅行者。The physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer.

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起先他是我的救命恩人---我当时靠偷东西吃活命。He was my savior at first—I was stealing food to survive.

起先,那只是闪现在石板路上的灰黄色的星星之火。At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.

起先冰层分毫不动,只叽嘎了一下,像沉重的门扉。At first the ice held, only creaking a bit, like a heavy gate.

起先,小阿尔伯特并不害怕小白兔。So, the first part, Little Albert's fine with the white rabbit.

它们起先是小泡然后变成纤维管。They start out as vesicles that then stretch into stringy tubes.

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叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream.

他起先在一个食品批发部门做工人。He started working as a laborer at a state-owned food wholesaler.

起先我们松了口气,我们当成有人来救我们了。At first we felt relieved. Someone had come to rescue us, we thought!