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爸爸回响反映反应去到门心。Dad did answer the door.

她的眼神反映了她的思想。Her eyes mirrored her thought.

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梦会反映现实。Dream is the reflection of fact.

他的行为反映他的思想。His actions reflect his thoughts.

文学和艺术都反映它们的时代。The psychohistory of the Nazi era.

一个服务应该反映它的业务。An SOA should reflect its business.

两者都在雪豹操作系统中得到了反映。Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.

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称誉是才德的反映。Praise is the reflection of virtue.

但是也反映了某种日益增长的急躁情绪。But it reflects a growing impatience.

一些病人反映有胃胀发生。Some patients reportstomach bloating.

它反映了社会的变迁兴衰。It reflects the vicissitude of society.

此规律可由起球曲线反映。The rule was described by pilling curve.

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隔空齐行是普遍的调查反映。"Spacing out" is a common poll response.

植被指数反映了这一变化。The vegetation index reflects the change.

这部电影被认为是生活的真实反映。This film is supposed to be true-to-life.

所有的鱼都呈现出死亡反映。All the fish exhibited mortality response.

甲﹕科长﹐我有个问题要反映。A﹕Superviser, I have a problem to reflect.

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唐骏事件也反映了一个社会问题。Tang Jun's case reflects a social problem.

它们反映的是国家的治理质量。They reflect on the quality of governance.

你不认为有点反映过度了吗?Don't you think you've over-reacting a bit?