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但我已经买了咸水湖鱼鳔。But I've already bought a saltwater fly rod.

鱼鳔中的压力由一个气体腺来管控。The pressure in the swim bladder is regulated by a gas gland.

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食人鱼通过震动或者移动它们的鱼鳔来制造声音。Piranhas produce noises by vibrating, or moving their swim bladders.

一直以来,该病都被认为是由鱼鳔异常引起的。All along the disease is considered to be caused by abnormal swim bladders.

没有经过计划,它只是偶然地稳定下来,产生了预适应性,起到了鱼鳔的作用。It was poised, preadapted by chance, no design, to function as a swim bladder.

沙律虾,烧鸭,鱼鳔桂花蛋,海蜇,米卷。Salad Prawns, Barbecued Pork, Scrappy Egg with Fish Maw, Jelly Fish, Rice Rolls.

这个腺体保证在鱼游上游下的时候,鱼鳔内的压力维持稳定。This gland ensures that the pressure remains stable when the fish swims up or down.

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研究发现前两种声音实际上是水虎鱼的肌肉打击自己的鱼鳔发出的。The first two sounds are produced by muscles contracting around the fish's swim bladder.

由于富有中国人对鱼鳔的需求,导致墨西哥的两个物种处于危险之中。Affluent Chinese are putting two Mexican species at risk due to demand for dried swim bladders.

健力士啤酒使用了极少量鱼鳔制成的明胶来过滤,该含动物明胶的工艺无独有偶。Guinness is filtered using tiny amounts of gelatin derived from fish bladders. And it's not alone.

当鱼鳔膨胀时,会增加天然浮力助,帮助鱼类在水中保持直立姿势。When inflated, the bladder serves as a natural buoyancy aid, keeping the fish upright in the water.

科学家们还研究了食人鱼是怎样使用肌肉来震动它们的鱼鳔从而发出声音的。The scientists studied how the fish used muscles to vibrate their swim bladder, creating the sounds.

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可是X线摄影显示即使鱼鳔正常仍有可能患上该病。But the X-ray photography show is that it is still possible to suffer from the disease and normal swim bladders.

所有乾鱼鳔的出口生产必须经过出口前的质量控制和检验。Accordingly all export production of fish maws will be subjected to quality control and inspection prior to export.

鱼鳔,象牙,虎骨,熊胆汁,猴脑都是这些无耻之徒想要获得的东西。Swim bladders, rhino horn, tiger bones, bears bile, monkey brains are all fair game to these unscrupulous individuals.

今天,欧洲鳇鱼正濒临灭绝,因此,大多数鱼鳔都来自其他鱼类品种,包括越南鲶鱼。Today the sturgeon is endangered, so most bladders are harvested from other species of fish including the Vietnamese catfish.

鱼鳔的生物结构为葡萄糖氧化酶提供了很好的微生物环境,非常有利于酶的固定化。The tissue of swim bladder membrane provided a perfect micro-environment for glucose oxidase, and adapted to immobilized enzyme.

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很多小鱼孵化出来时,胸鳍还没有完全成形,而且所有的鱼孵化时都还没有形成鱼鳔。所以,它们可能会面临相似的不善于游泳的问题。Many fish larvae hatch without fully formed pectoral fins and all hatch without a swim bladder, so similar problems could occur for them.

帕特森描述道,这些食物不大,但是营养非常丰富,因为这些没有鱼鳔的鱼通常脂质含量很高。"They are not a huge prey, but are very nutritious," Patterson says, because fish lacking swim bladders typically have a high lipid content.

以海鳗鱼鳔为原料,对其营养成分进行分析,并利用其制备鱼鳔营养液。The food nutrient compositions were analyzed in the swim bladder of Muraenesox cinereus and its nutrient liquid was prepared with the swim bladder.