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她是个爱管闲事的人,可能知道内情的。She is a nosey parker and is probably in the know.

我认为不可能只有安德鲁一个人知道内情。I don't think Andrew could have kept that to himself.

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不知内情的红果于是很高兴的去了。Does not know inside information, red fruit so very happy.

默多克层层剥茧,揭露了案件背后的内情。Murdoch cocoon, lay bare the secret behind revealed cases.

氧气是属于生还者及熟知内情的人。All the more oxygen for the survivors and those in-the-know.

这种恶毒流言的内情是不会鬼鬼祟祟的。The secret to this kind of malicious gossip is not furtiveness.

那天夜里,我在我太太的怀里流下眼泪,不过她并不知道其中内情。And that night I wept in my wife’s arms, though she had no idea.

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是否就像宣传的那样,这只是个测试?据齐塔人所言,还有内情。Was this as claimed, just a test? Per the Zetas, there's more to it.

杜库还知晓另外一些东西,一些他不能与他的徒弟分享的内情。Dooku knew something else, something he would not share with his Padawan.

也为中澳门居民,会不会只有澳门人或珠海人会知道内情呢?Also for residents of Macao, will only Macau or Zhuhai, one would know it?

为了证明自己的清白并且揭露一个德国间谍集团的内情,翰内从伦敦逃到了苏格兰。He flees London for Scotland hoping to prove his innocence and uncover a German espionage ring.

除非你知道秘密内情,最好的办法就是静观其变。Unless you're privy to divine inspiration, the best thing to do is to watch the process evolve.

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员工期望知晓决策的内情,有助于进步和未来的成功。Employees appreciate being "in the know" and will contribute to improvements and future success.

如果你不知道希尔斯堡惨案的真相、也不了解内情的话,最好请闭上你的臭嘴!If you know nothing about Hillsborough and read nothing, then it's best to keep your mouth shut.

在告发你老总逃漏税之前,最好先确定你熟知所有内情。You should make sure you know all the facts before you blow the whistle on your boss for tax evasion.

这只是个“笑话”,美国商会负责人说,而华尔街熟悉内情。It’s just a “joke, ” said a leader of the United States Chamber of Commerce, and Wall Street is in on it.

了解内情的人们说,谈判已经取得了进展,但是并不会立刻达成一项协议。People with knowledge of the talks say that progress has been incremental and that a deal is not imminent.

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每个机构里面都有一个了解内情的人。必须炒掉这个人!In every organization there will always be one person who knows what's going on. This person must be fired.

消息来源无法证实修伊特先生会领到多少待遇,但熟知内情人士估计,他的日薪会是500英镑。Sources were unable to confirm what Mr Hewett would be paid but insiders estimated he would receive the £500-a-day fee.

我这里所说的并非他直面健康状况的勇气,不过,如果我们能有幸了解更多内情,想必这个问题也值得大书特书。I don't mean his courage in facing his health issues, though that will be a story in itself if we ever learn the details.