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不要怕闹笑话。Do not afraid make joke.

你不要故意闹笑话了。Don't make a fool of yourself anymore.

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你可以想象他一定会闹笑话。You can always rely on him making a fool of himself.

可是,我觉得中文太复杂了,很多词,我都运用得不好,怕会闹笑话。I can not use many words I am afraid to be made a joke.

不再竖中指,不再闹笑话,我保证。No more beef fingers, no more drama from now on, I promise.

很好,弗雷迪你就笑吧,但是总有一天闹笑话的人会是你。Sure, laugh now Freddy, but one day the joke will be on you!

我问了是为了增长见识,这样可以不要在生活中闹笑话。What I asked is for learning so as not to make mistakes in our lives.

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这种成见常常会引发一些怪事,有时还会闹笑话。Such stereotypes often lead to unusual and sometimes amusing situations.

不要那样穿。你会闹笑话的。你穿上那件礼服看起来很傻。Don't dress like that. You'll make fool yourself. You look stupid in that robe.

不懂装懂就会闹笑话。If you pretend to know what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.

我想到一个看别人说大话、闹笑话的心理需求。I think of one sees the psychological demand of others mouthiness , make a fool of oneself.

我总是喜欢闹笑话,傻里傻气的,不过从没想到那会成为真的喜剧。I've always liked to joke around and be silly, but I never thought it could translate into real comedy.

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你在她面前对她的丈夫大加赞赏的时候闹笑话了,他俩去年就离婚了。You put your foot in it when you told her how much you admired her husband. They were divorced last year!

我会尽力记住每个人的名字,不至于张冠李戴而闹笑话。I'm trying to remember everybody's name so I won't embarrass myself by calling Mr. Lee by someone else's name.

传统运动中也时常会闹笑话,不过有时候我们也能拍到充满艺术效果的照片。With conventional sports there is always the opportunity for comedy but also the potential for artful photography.

可要是送得不合适,不但心意表达不了,搞不好还会闹笑话、闹误会,尤其是跟不同国家的朋友交往,更得讲究送礼的艺术。The art of gift-giving calls for more attention, especially in contacts with friends from different countries. It happens that the Spring Festival is drawing near.